How many workouts a week while on cycle


New member
I am going to start a deca/test cycle pretty soon. This is my second cycle. I am 27 years old and have been lifting seriously for about 10 years. I have mixed feelings when it comes to workouts on gear.

Part of me believes that you should spend more time in the gym. Say 5-6 days a week with double days 2-3 times a week. My thought here is that your nutrient absorption and recovery time is so much quicker you should be able to handle more. As an example I would do something like the following:

Day 1 afternoon - Chest
Day 1 nightime - Back
Day 2 afternoon - Legs
Day 2 nighttime - Arms
Day 3 afternoon - Shoulders
Day 4 - OFF
Day 5 afternoon - Chest
Day 5 nightime - Back
Day 6 afternoon - Legs
Day 6 nighttime - Arms
Day 7 afternoon - Shoulders

The other part of me thinks you should stick to a standard workout routine (5 to 6 days a week no double days) since your nervous system, tendons and joints may not agree with the above. Although Deca does increase the amount of stress you could put on your body. If I stick to standard routine I will probably do the following:

Day 1 - Chest
Day 2 - Back
Day 3 - Legs
Day 4 - Shoulders
Day 5 - Arms
Day 6 - Core/ Short lift with weak point focus (or take this day off too)
Day 7 - OFF
I do a 5 day split and hit arms twice a week (once with back/bis and chest/tri and a solo arms day).
I do two days on, 1 day off. Two days on, one or two days off.
So Monday: On, Tuesday On, Wednesday Off, Thursday: On, Friday On, Saturday: On/Off Optional, Sunday Off.