How much Aromasin to use on 1000mg of Sus a week??


New member
I am on SUS500, 1/2 cc 4 days a week = 1000 mgs

I am taking Aromasin 20mg every day I shoot..

I feel like I am holding a LOT of water

I am doing cardio "Stairmaster" 7 days a week and diet is on point..

Should I up the Aromasin or add in Arimadex?

Your thoughts?
I am on SUS500, 1/2 cc 4 days a week = 1000 mgs

I am taking Aromasin 20mg every day I shoot..

I feel like I am holding a LOT of water

I am doing cardio "Stairmaster" 7 days a week and diet is on point..

Should I up the Aromasin or add in Arimadex?

Your thoughts?

20mg is fine, but you need to be taking it EVERYDAY, not just on days you inject
But that still doesnt help the bloating now.

I will up the aromasin to 20 mg daily

I would be surprised if 20mg ED covers a gram of test unless you have amazing genetics and really low body fat. I bet you're in for a shock when those numbers come back. ;)

That's the problem though; nobody can tell you for sure as everyone is different. :wiggle:

My .02c :)
Aromasin is a rather weak AI. Perhaps Adex would suit you better. You can take it EOD unlike Aromasin. I suggest you don't make any changes until you get blood work.
a gram of test is not some outrageous amount... but it is a decent dosage for somebody not at an advanced level

taking a gram of test you SHOULD be expecting to hold some water, but that's a good thing as it helps to protect your joints during a time where you are most likely trying to put on weight.

If you are trying to eliminate all water retention and want to stay as lean as possible, running a gram of test is not the wisest of choices... pic your poison, bulk or cut

but to be honest... from some of the posts I've seen you put up over the last couple years, you don't have the knowledge to be running a gram of test... you ask rookie questions, but want to carry on like a guy that knows his shit
OP - as was mentioned, you need bloodwork to be sure.

But 20mg aromasin a few times a week is almost certainly not enough.

Are you cutting or bulking? If cutting...why are you on that much test?

How much sodium are you consuming daily? How much water? How many calories?

FWIW, for me, 1g test/wk = 25mg aromasin/day & that puts my e2 levels in the high-normal range. Any more test than that and I'd be switching to adex.

I normally am around 10% bodyfat, if that helps...if you're significantly fatter you'll probably need either more aromasin or a beefier AI.
a gram of test is not some outrageous amount... but it is a decent dosage for somebody not at an advanced level

taking a gram of test you SHOULD be expecting to hold some water, but that's a good thing as it helps to protect your joints during a time where you are most likely trying to put on weight.

If you are trying to eliminate all water retention and want to stay as lean as possible, running a gram of test is not the wisest of choices... pic your poison, bulk or cut

but to be honest... from some of the posts I've seen you put up over the last couple years, you don't have the knowledge to be running a gram of test... you ask rookie questions, but want to carry on like a guy that knows his shit

I dont carry on like I know anything.. Other than sports and women..

Asking questions is the best thing a person can do , its how you learn.

I will lower my test, i appreciate it.
I am lowering my test to Prop 100mg 4x per week.. I have been killing myself with diet and cardio, apparently I was taking too much test to cut and lean up..

Stopped the Sus500, sold it to my buddy and started up on PSL's prop..

Thanks for all the info guys, appreciate the feedback.
I would rec Dex or letro. I really like letro at 0.6mg-1.2mg eod-e3d. i would start at 0.25mg eod-e3d and up it if needed.

Letro is all I have used. First cycle I was on the higher side of bf% at 18-19% and 0.25 of rui Letro eod made me a little sleepy throughout day so I used the same dose and went e3d and was fine. Second cycle was at14-15% bf and used 0.25 e3d and was pinning 750mg test e weekly with very little water retention no symptoms of Gyno either. I know people say Letro is to strong some times , but when you find that sweetspot it seems to work great for me.