How much can I gain from Anabol?

jgrunder said:
When I do get the gains will they go away while I am still working out?

Gains only come when you workout and leave when you stop. Oh yeah, food tends to play a part in this as well.
Mudge said:
How much can you eat.

I have been able to eat TWO pieces of toast and 2 eggs at one sitting. My mommy said that was alot. I told her I could have probably eaten another egg.

You should've seen her face when I asked for the second piece of toast. She didn't say anything, but you could tell she was thinking 'You're a big boy now!'

TxLonghorn said:
I have been able to eat TWO pieces of toast and 2 eggs at one sitting. My mommy said that was alot. I told her I could have probably eaten another egg.

You should've seen her face when I asked for the second piece of toast. She didn't say anything, but you could tell she was thinking 'You're a big boy now!'

all i can say is eat alot so you can get good gains and keep the gains after you get off your cycle you may lose some gains due to water weight
Cocoa Krispies. The ultimate bulking food :D

I can vouch first hand on losing weight while having a shitty diet ON GEAR, gaining fat - yeah been there too.

Diet OWNZ J00.