How Much Cardio/Food Ideas

Furthermore, vasodialation and sweating are just a result of a hormonal response. I don't see how this burns extra calories.

If there is so much scientific proof like you suggest, then you should have no problem providing evidence to back your claims.
therm said:
Talk about needing to work on our english. RIDICULOUS. I'm out and nothing is wrong with my english or how I explained the point - it is stated very clearly about the increase in cold weather.

Oh wow, I misspelled something. That's far different from putting two thoughts together in the same sentence with no obvious deliniation.

This is an obvious distraction from the fact that you have things backwards.
therm said:
No one is trying to change the subject, but you are questioning and criticizing proven scientific methods, so of course your credentials are questioned. I'm done here becuase I have wasted too much time debating proven facts and it has nothing to do with admitting anything or being childish. I'm way too old for childish behavior or debating facts with someone who obviously does not possess the proper education or credentials to question anythig a scieitist has already proven.

Let me keep this simple.


<edit>I don't need to have any credentials to ask you to prove it.</edit>
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I probably shouldn't post this, but we don't need pompous attitudes such as yours in this forum. "You're not qualified to question me." Get a life and get over yourself.
No one is pompous and no one is saying you are questioning ME. You are questioning proven scientific theroies that I am trying to explain to HardBody. These are not my theories, equations, or formulas.

BTW, I have nothing to get over. I work with nutrition for a living and do not have to justify my formal education or background to anyone. My "attitude" is from seeing information being questioned that is proven and accurate.
therm said:
No one is pompous and no one is saying you are questioning ME. You are questioning proven scientific theroies that I am trying to explain to HardBody. These are not my theories, equations, or formulas.

BTW, I have nothing to get over. I work with nutrition for a living and do not have to justify my formal education or background to anyone. My "attitude" is from seeing information being questioned that is proven and accurate.

Holey crap, then friggin prove it already, geeze.
I have nothing to prove to you, so just stop asking for proof already. Read a book and find the proof for yourself.
therm said:
I have nothing to prove to you, so just stop asking for proof already. Read a book and find the proof for yourself.


You're wrong on many aspects and have things backwards. You don't burn extra calories just because you're sweating and I proved it with the equation you gave me.

No one will take you seriously when you refuse to offer any proof.
You proved nothing by modifying the equation and I never stated anything backwards - all the information I quoted came right from "Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism". Got get it, its a very informative book that validates everything I have posted. BTW, continuing to post responses to you was offering proof of what I stated.
therm said:
You proved nothing by modifying the equation and I never stated anything backwards - all the information I quoted came right from "Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism". Got get it, its a very informative book that validates everything I have posted. BTW, continuing to post responses to you was offering proof of what I stated.

I never modified the equation. Just look at the equation...and this is a direct quote from you:

therm said:
Here is an equation used by scientists to measure energy expenditure and calorimetrics: H= M +/- W +/- C +/- R -E. H = heat balance; W = work done (exercise); M = resting metabolic rate; C= conduction and convection; R = radiation; and E = evaporation.

As you can see, M and W are independent of C, R, and E.

That alone proves that sweating does not increase RMR or work done.
Sweating is an indicator of increased energy production via increased caloric expenditure, period. Nothing more, nothing less.
therm said:
Sweating is an indicator of increased energy production via increased caloric expenditure, period. Nothing more, nothing less.

This is ridiculous.

Look at the equation:

H= M +/- W +/- C +/- R -E

H = heat balance
W = work done (exercise)
M = resting metabolic rate
C= conduction and convection
R = radiation
E = evaporation

Heat balance is a variable that is dependant on work done, RMR, conduction and convection, radiation, and evaporation.

W, M, C, R, and E are all independent variables.

If heat balance is positive enough, you will sweat, correct? Now using the equation, we can increase C enough to get H past the "sweating point". That is totally independent of W and M. You can do the same for R and E. Or you can use a combination of these three variables and still get H past the "sweating point" without chaning W or M at all.

If W and M were dependent on H, then the equation wouldn't be the way it is.
therm said:
Sweating is an indicator of increased energy production via increased caloric expenditure, period. Nothing more, nothing less.

Let me put what you're claiming into an equation. You're saying this:

H = M +/- W

What that means is an increase in heat is ONLY a result of an increase in metabolic rate (via RMR or working MR).

That's clearly not true given the original equation, as M and W are not the only variables in figuring H.
i will add that since i have started this job i have lost a considerable amount of weight and the biggest factor is that my BF% has dropped very noticeably, and i keep my water at 2 gallons a day. I dont know who is right, but all i can say is

HardBody said:
i will add that since i have started this job i have lost a considerable amount of weight and the biggest factor is that my BF% has dropped very noticeably, and i keep my water at 2 gallons a day. I dont know who is right, but all i can say is


You could be losing fat due to two factors:

1) Your body now has to warm up 2 gallons of water, and this burns several hundred calories.

2) Your body now has an interest in getting rid of subqutaneous bodyfat stores in order to help keep heat down. It acts like insulation, so the body won't want that if it's always having to deal with high heat.

There might be another factor, but I don't might also be doing more activity with this job. That would definitely help you lose fat.
Oh, one more thing...

I've heard that exposure to sunlight can create a hormonal response that can help you lose bodyfat. Don't know too much about it, but I've heard that. I know many people claim to lose fat from tanning, so perhaps this might be legit.
thanks guys once again, i think that when u are tan it obviously just looks better, also, how come when u are in a hot tub u burn several calorise, the cal counter has it at like 250 i think, been a while since i checked it though