how much test e needed to replace test from shut down on low dose dbol?


New member
First post, hello to all.

Just read all 24 pages of the "Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles" thread VERY informative - thanks to all that contributed, especially DADAWG, who obviously had/has his work cut out for him.

Before reading that thread, I was strongly considering running a low dose dbol-only cycle. I now understand that this idea is retarded because I wouldn't be replacing the test that I lost from dbol shutdown while on cycle...lesson learned.

However, what the thread didn't explain was, how much exogenous test would be needed to keep tt levels at around the same level as they were naturally (pre-cycle) while using orals? There might be too many variables here, such as the type and dosage of the secondary compound and individual responsiveness to exogenous test. But if anyone has any info about how much exogenous test is needed to merely REPLACE natural test during a low dose oral cycle (dbol in particular) I'd definitely be interested. I believe DADAWG said healthy males make the equivalent of 100-150 mg of test a week, but I also read in one of the stickies that 300 mg of test e boosts total test 691 ng/dl on average, which seems about right for replacing lost test from low dose dbol and low dose test related shutdown.

For anyone who didn't die of boredom from my first question, here is my second one: would keeping test levels relatively close to baseline allow the user to take advantage of some of the rapid strength, power, and size gains of dbol without significantly altering test. homeostasis? Considering that there are several mechanisms of action attributable to aas and that people make plenty of gains even while their total test is in the shitter on orals and PH, it doesn't seem that boosting total test to the 2000-3000 ng/dl levels that you sometimes see from moderate to high test supplementation would be necessary to make moderate gains.

In fact for some, significantly elevated test might be somewhat undesirable for a variety of reasons, and staying somewhere around or just slightly above baseline levels would be preferable. I know lots of people love the feeling of significantly elevated test, but there are plenty of others who would be happy with slightly less gains and possibly a more stable affect. Certainly homeostasis is something to be desired from a reduction of sides and ease of recovery standpoint as well, although I could also see the argument that since you're going to shut yourself down anyway, you might as well dose high enough (within reason) to make significant gains so there will be less to lose when you come off and your test drops during pct. However, assuming that you never let your test fluctuate too dramatically while on cycle, you might have an easier time recovering and keeping gains (at least in theory).

Anyway, let me know what you guys think. Thanks

tl;dr Everyone always says low dose dbol only cycles are bad, you have to REPLACE THE TEST. So how much test is required to replace it? And would merely replacing it (as opposed to adding significantly more) be desirable?
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Shut down is shut down (for the most part)....and yes I admit I didn't read the entire post (eating and watching TV). But if you're going to shut yourself down I'm not seeing the point in running a dose of test so low that it barely counts as TRT. If you're going to run it you might as well run a normal first cycle dose (see stickies). And test only first cycle, ai, blah blah, etc etc....see stickies.
Agree, you will be shut down anyway and homeostatis is out the window. Dbol also aromatizes, so you still have to manage estradiol. If you're going to take the risk you might as well go for the benefit. You can choose a conservative "cruise" dose of 250mg T per week, most would suggest more, like 400mg.

Better yet, drop the dBol altogether and do a test only cycle.
Thanks for the responses guys.

I definitely have a few thoughts and comments in response, but I will try to research more and really hash them out before I post them. Hopefully I can resolve them on my own, cheers.
I think u would get better quality gains running 500mg/ week test cycle then running a maintenance dose of test while doing a "dbol cycle"... Dbol and some other oral are used as a kick start or a finisher to a cycle. You can hold onto most your gains with a test cycle if diet and training is in check. Most people favor Anavar over dbol for "lasting gains"...
Interesting...It was my (possibly mistaken) belief that combining the 2 compounds might have a synergistic effect, thus giving me results comparable to a moderate dose of test only.

In your opinion, which protocol (low/moderate dbol + maintenance test OR 400-500 test only) would produce greater and more sustainable strength gains?

I know you end up pissing out a lot of your strength and size gains from dbol, but I thought (also possibly mistakenly) that properly replacing the test on cycle would help one hold on to a lot of their (at least non water-related) gains.

I know everyone is like, "goddamnit, just run test only," but I'm not going to have any other real opportunities to run a cycle for a long time and I'd really like to take advantage of the benefits dbol is said to have for my sport (olympic weightlifting) without significant long-term impact on my bodyweight. I understand that dbol and test have slightly different sides associated with them, so I would be missing out on learning how I respond to each individual compound - which is definitely a negative. It just seems like the contingency plan for sides from these 2 compounds is effectively the same - I will be running an AI and pulsing hcg on cycle with letro on hand either way (dbol+test vs. test only) right?

Anyway, those are just my thoughts but I really want to think this through properly so thanks in advance for any input you guys can throw my way.
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Run a 12 week test cycle with a 4 week dbol kick start. The reason that this is favored over your idea is because it works and has been done effectively. U do what u want though. Nobody here can tell u what to do.