How much time is needed for the body to recover between cycles?

voodoozyme said:
alot of pro body builders from the 60s and 70s never did cycle off. sure some of them are dead but some of them arnt.

Wait a second, alot of todays pros never come off, back in the day I'd say almost ALL of them did. Look how much Arnold would shrink in the off season.
yeah to bad I dont know any pros to tell first hand. Im alomost positive todays pros dont cycle off. but they get alot of health problems. I dont think the older era pros got as many sides. but maybe they just werent published as often. yeah arnold would shrink but maybe he was just varrying the dose or eating differnt I dont know.
Recovery depends on the individual's genetics, his Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle, his proper dosing and use of antiestrogens and antiprolactins/progesterones, and his use of a proper post cycle therapy (pct) cycle. Also, baseline blood testing let's the athlete know if he has something to recover.
Wait a second, alot of todays pros never come off, back in the day I'd say almost ALL of them did. Look how much Arnold would shrink in the off season.

Do0d do you have any link/urls for pics of Arnie in the OFF SEASON ?
yeah I read about the major health problems pretty often in the magazines recently Tom prince, Don Long, Flex Wheeler, . but Ive never heard a pro openly discus their cycles durations or contents. have you. sure many pros do cycle down the quantitys used. I dont beleave that they ever cycle of completly except maybe to take the Muscle tech before pictures or something like that
and technically it wasnt AS that screwed Tom prince up it was the Asprin or tylonal in high doses. he had kidney problems and most as dont make it that far. atleast thats what he said in flex
in my theraphies I push 10 wks on 2 wks of nothing 2 wks of a proper off cycle using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomiphine citraite then another 2 wks of nothing followed by a blood test to see where your levels are ,after checking your levels decide on another theraphy if wanted