How much vitamin C is too much?


Death Dealer
I've been sick as a fucking dog for the last couple days and I want to get over it as fast as possible. I've been eating Vitamin C like there's no tomorrow. Probably 6 grams a day or so. Is there a point of diminishing returns for this? Is this amount possibly bad for me? Just wondering because I know some vitamins have bad sides when you crank up the dose.
Try some encinecea, vitamin c, vitamin e, grean tea, and orange juice in the morning (low carb stuff)
mister69 said:
Try some encinecea, vitamin c, vitamin e, grean tea, and orange juice in the morning (low carb stuff)

I already take the E, and I will probably up the dosage on that too. Green tea is a good idea. I have been cutting but since getting sick I've increased carbs and have been eating more of what I want. I feel like my body already has one strike against it when carbs are low and I need all my energy for immune function.
you can take as much vit c as you want. You'll get diahrea when your body says its to much, but thats because your digestive system. I've read of people using it in IV's up to 50-60 grams.
6g isnt anything to worry over. As truck said you can take as much as you want. Vitamin A in particular is very toxic at high doses. Vit C however is fine.
here's my antioxident stack.
this works for me. i have 2 kids and ussualy what ever they get the wife gets and visa verse. however i have stay healthy with little to no signs of sickness for quite a while.

2-3 grams vitamin "C" ED split into 500 mg doses through out the day.
400 iu of vitamin E ed
selenium 200 mcg/ED **selenium and E work together so i take them together, and remember vit E is fat soluble so take it with a high fat meal**
echinacea (what ever the bottle says i dont remember the dosage)**i will get the brand and dosage i use and post up ASAP**

i take the vit E and Selenium along with 500mg of C at breakfast.

on work out days i double up the vit "E" and Selenium and throw in an extra gram of vitamin "C". the extra Vit C/E/Selenium are all taken directly after a work out.

hope this helps.
I'm about the same there with ya adidamps. I take e 800iu with my c 2g twice a day. Of course don't forget ALA is a antioxidant too. I also take green tea extract as well. I may be differnet than most, but a lot of C for me means a better workout, why I have no clue. But 2-6 g before I workout does me some real good. Never understood why just figured it out after a few years. I use to drink cranberry juice before I worked out and thought it was the surgar that helped, but one day I thought hey maybe just go with a good dose of C at 2g. Pow same results and less surgar in the diet, its definately noticible difference for me.
I'm no stranger to vitamins. On a daily basis I take C, E, B-complex, multivitamin, ala, and sometimes a mulit mineral. I always hear stuff about echinacea, what exactly is it good for?
Honestly I haven't heard any news about getting ill just by taking lots of vitmins.. whats important is that you take the vitamins through it natural way like takin it from fruits and vegetables. Just have lots of water throughout the day.
cafiko said:
whats important is that you take the vitamins through it natural way like takin it from fruits and vegetables.
This is a great start to healhty eating but will never ever cover the spectrum of very helpful vitamins/minerals in the doses we use. And dont forget healthy fats. Go ahead and try to get your daily fill of functional fatty acids on whole foods. Wont happen.
echanacia is good for when you start feeling sick, it boosts the immune system, you usually shouldn't take it for long periods of time say like over 8 weeks without some time off of it or else it looses its effects, at least that what my label says.
i personally use echinacea/goldenseal complex, and it is great for boosting your immune system, but because you're not supposed to take it constantly because of the way it builds up, i notice people only take it when they're getting sick. The way it's recommended to be taken is, 7 weeks on, 7 weeks off. It will definitely boost the immune system, and i can say that if you keep to your vit. C and actually keep up on the e/c complex, you probably won't get sick all year, which is great in my eyes. I hate having to lift when i'm sick, i just don't get any enjoyment out of it at all. As for vit. C, as was stated before, take as much as you want. There are only 5 vit/minerals that are really even much chance of overdosing it.
Dont chew your vitamin C tabs even if they are chewable. The acid will make you lose sense of taste for a few days.
6 g is too little when you are trying to fight off an infection. When having a flu, anything up to 50 g is advised. With more serious infections like mononucleosis, it can go up to as much as 200 g/day.