How open are you about your steroid use?


New member
Im just wondering how many of you guys will just tell anyone you are taking or hanve taken steroids. Most if not all of my friends know i use them but would about other people that ask you for the 1st time? I am taking a Drugs In Society class at school and last class my teacher was talking aboutt he effects drugs have on someone's personality. She started talking about how when your in a bar and you bump into someone by accident who is drunk and taking steroids and how they will just flip out on you. I was gettin so heated b/c that is such a stereotype. I for one am a mellow person wheather or not i am on a cycle. I just wanted to start telling her that she is full of shit (she isn't the type of person that will judge someone on their drug use) but i wasn't about to tell the whole class I take steroids b/c i dont want people to judge my personality without knowing me.

So what are your thoughs on this subject? Would you have come right out and said something or just sit back on know she is full of shit?
I'm very non-chalant about it around my family and friends but I keep my mouth shut in public... your teacher does have a point about drunken juiceheads though. People can pretend that there's no such thing as roid rage but the fact is that supra-physiological levels of male hormones makes most of us more confident and more willing to fight.
Personally I would not tell people I don't know on a personal level that I use illegal drugs, just to prove a point to a teacher.

In 10 years you won't even remember that teachers name (trust me)..... but in 10 years you would still be remebered as "the guy who used steriods."

I've been out of college for about 11 years now.... and I think about things I considered doing back then.... and thank God I did not!

Plus when your body looks like a God... do you want everyone thinking it ALL came from steriods... and not the long hours and days of work in the gym, research and diet. (most people don't undestand how hard you must work to create a great body.....steriods or not!)

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i try not to tell people because then they tell people and starts a whole chain reaction that i do not want to happen
I think I woulda got heated too and I woulda thought very hard about calling the teacher out in front of class b/c that is such a stereotype. But then after reading the other posts I woulda definately kept my mouth shut b/c that is true, once someone finds out you're on roids, they credit ALL of your gains to that. And also someone said you'd be known as "the guy who used roids" and that is true so I guess I woulda kept my mouth shut. But I try to keep it on the dl except for my g/f and 2 or 3 close friends. Or if someone else I'm talking to is telling me about his shit then I'll tell.
I'm very open. If a stranger asks me for training tips, etc. I just tell them to take steroids. I only do that bc I can't stand people who rely on gear telling others how their new training/diet style allowed them to put on 25 lbs in three months.
That's always a hard one.

My close friends from the gym know, but then again, we share alot of info to help each other. Of course Madine knows, but we'll be married soon and it wouldn't keep anything like that from her anyway.

The bad thing is, most people, especially guys, mainly guys who look like shit or are jealous of my physique (not bragging) think that anyway. I get it all the time out at cluibs and stuff, you hear people talk under thier breath.

I want to say, "Yes, I am a big muscular guy. Yes, I can prolly rip your head off. Yes, my wife is smoking fu**in hot and has the best tits you can ever imagine. And yes, you will never have a chance because you are a lazy, fatass. But that doesn't mean I am on steroids (which I am), and even if I was, you still could never train as hard as I do. EVER!!"

Most of the time I just laugh at them though. With 2g/week of juice in me, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone. HAHA
People know.... but I don't openly tell anyone that wouldn't understand or doesn't do it themselves... Some of the guys that deny are only kidding themselves... people aren't stupid... IF you do them right everyone should know.... lol
Some of my close friends know, I don't come out and say i am or i'm not but people i'm sure wonder when they ask me questions about my views on things.

I would have said something to the teacher, but in this fashion.
When people start making shit up about steroids and such as this blah blah blah i use the term

I have known tons of people who were on and they were not like that at all , in a much longer tone. I"m not completely lying because i do know people ! lol.
Only my workout partner and one other friend i know, because i brew their gear. Otherwise it's hush.
I am very open about using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) with people in the gym and friends...My girlfriend knows and my co-workers..I will deny that I am on with people of significance at work (managers, bosses)...other than that, I am NOT ashamed to use....
A few of my close friends know and my wife knows but generally I keep it quiet but ocassionally when people have complimented my physique, I have tried to play it down and I feel really uncomfortable when asked about training, nutrition and supplements as I often end up saying something like,'' Go get some creatine and glutamine and eat 6 - 7 meals a day and keep your protein intake high when actually I feel like saying go get you some fucking anabiloc steroids man and you will be swole.
I try not to let any 1 know. my work out partner and my source r the only 1s who know anything, ppl always ask but I denie it. like other ppl said as soon as someone finds out that u juice then all the jealous ppl come out and discredit u and all ur hard work. they think that any 1 who juices will look like ronnie colmen and that it takes not dedication.
but sometimes it is hard when my close friends ask me. I feel like a dick lying straight to there face when its obvious it did something.
only my girl friend know, as long as it's not too visible ( yeah i'am newbie lol) I would said nothing to nobody, But there's a day when the gains will be too noticable so when it will be the time I'll enlarge very smally the trust cercle !