How open are you about your steroid use?

well no one knows and it will stay that way .I just say it's good living or sometimes i say it's the 5k calories i eat a day .I love to keep people guessing i will never tell them anything "NEVER"
only my gf knows, and one gym buddy of mine. everyone else "knows" too; as my 2 reps of 405 benching today on my 5th set(on 90mg / eod tren alone) is proof enough.
my father knows because he did it and i asked him for advice.
My girlfriend does not know and will not know because i know she will look at me diffrently.
But i can tell you this much if someone is using or someone knows they can tell i dont even have to tell them
I tell people if they ask. I hate guys at work that I know take it and say they just have such superior genetics over mine, ya right juicehead. And I do the same things and weight they do and still don't look like them. I am for steroids but I am against liars, it's people like that who make training information get scrambled by saying they got that big from squats. No one is going to search your house just because you say you have used steroids before so why lie?
i only speak with it to my close friends and my gf of course and my uncle who also uses but i try not to talk to much because i hate the fact that others have stated that people think all your size comes from juice and all of the stereotype that goes along with it ..
I was going to keep it a secret but I took my shirt off in the locker room and people knew immediately.. Its since been like a bunch of school girls gossiping about there boyfriends.. my advice would be to stay covered up and keep your mouth shut.. if your only juicing to impress other people then your doing it for the wrong reasons anyways
I don't know about that, after all bodybuilding in itself is a selfish vain sport. You could look amazing and if no one cared or complimented you I can guarantee none of us would be doing it. Even powerlifters do it for the compliments on being able to lift so much.
Ifrit said:
I don't know about that, after all bodybuilding in itself is a selfish vain sport. You could look amazing and if no one cared or complimented you I can guarantee none of us would be doing it. Even powerlifters do it for the compliments on being able to lift so much.
I agree 100%. If you dont compete or are an athlete, you're more than likely juicing for cosmetic reasons.
I won't tell anyone,

I had a problem about 7 years ago with a mulitnational company. I had a Manager position and felt like I was untouchable... The company was doing better than ever before, and then someone took a dislike to me and used my not so secret steroid use against me. It went to headquarters and I had to quit.. Is that really worth it?

I would keep quite and just get on with it, help guys on here and keep yourself to yourself... If anyone were to ask me I would ref them to here and say I found it surfing or something like that..

For me i just say Creatine, and 8/9 meals and tones of suppliments (something that they cant even do usually).
Like everybody else here, I have my restrictions.. My family doesn't know. Just my three closes friends. And some other people I know are on gear.. Since using it isn't illegal here, I'm not to worried about telling others. But I try to keep it as secret as possible.
When it comes down to who knows about my steroid use most people can tell (especially when i am in the gym) I am far from the stereotype of a steroid user. I'm probably one of the nicest people you meet and wont judge a person. Wheather or not i am on a cycle I am the same mellow person. And I can honestly say I have never had a "roid rage" and filpped out on my friends or family. Edggy, yes but never out of control.

My father just recently found out about my steroid use...obviously people can tell when i would come home on vacation and i am bloated and up 20lbs and i would deny it to my grave...then he found 3 needles in my room, he said he was looking for my cell phone number but i knew he had it. The one day he confronted me and i told him he obv. wasn't happy but i told him i tried it once and blh blah blah... from now on I am staying away from drol/suspension/dbol cuz they really give me alot of bloat and sticking to test and cutters like tren,eq,anavar so he won't really be able to tell. Him and my mother tell eachother everything but i know he hasn't and won't tell my mom that I use steroids b/c it will break her heart. But i will deff. come clean to both of them once i am living on my own. But bodybuilding is probably my greatest love besides my family and friends and my biggest goal is to WIN a bodybuilding contest. Why enter if you aren't planning on winning?If I lose I will honestly be able to say then person that be me was bigger and better. When i finally enter one (when i feel i am in the best shape i could ever be in) i will tell him when i am getting ready and that i am goin to go on a cycle. I don't think he will be as dissapointed in me b/c he knows how badly i want to win a contest and that i am as dedicated to this lifestyle.

I have been to a few contests and have seen the people in amazing shape that know what they are getting into and have seen the people that have no clue what it takes to win. And i am not going to be one of those people that everyone says "how can you enter a contest round and bloated w/ out abs" I want to be the biggest and the best so their is no doubt who should win. I'm not full of my self by any means, but when it comes to my goal I will do what it takes (safely) to be the best.
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Ifrit said:
I don't know about that, after all bodybuilding in itself is a selfish vain sport. You could look amazing and if no one cared or complimented you I can guarantee none of us would be doing it. Even powerlifters do it for the compliments on being able to lift so much.

Some people just like strength... It feels good to be strong.
I let people assume whatever they want. Like stated earlier, people that juice can pick out other juicers, and people that dont know dont need to know. Only close family and close friends know about my use