how to eat eggs if u hate them

If you hate egg than you can take it with milk or you can make some good items of food made from egg.Than for sure you will love it.
this is a between meal snack for me...5 egg whites, 1/3cup fat free cottage cheese, ~20 jalepeno slices, dash or so of seasoned salt. mix it in a bowl and scramble it like normal. kick ass.
welcome to the bodybuilding world. if it taste good then its bad for u. if it taste bad then its good for u.

eat like a barbarian. raw meat if u have to. eggs? is this grade tree?
this is what i do. for breakfast!! 4 egg whites 1 scoop of splurge chocalate chip protein from and 1/2 cup oatmeal. mix all together in a bowl. take a skillet spray with Pam and make a pancake... it is very yummy and you will not taste any eggs. i also put sugar free syrup on it... very tasty...

I do this but with 10 egg whites and 2 scoops of whatever protein I have. Right now its carb free cinna-bun but, I like vanilla too. If you add 1 tsp of baking soda it makes them fluffier and more like pancakes. Also cooking them in macadamia nut oil makes them taste better too. I like them with almond butter.. yum
The best way to eat the egg if you don't like to eat the egg make the recipe that includes the egg and most important that recipe should be yours favourite one.