How to get my back ripped


New member
I am trying to get my back ripped, ripped enough you can see it through my shirt. I do these exercises.

back pulldowns 4 sets 12- 15 reps
close grip rows 4 sets 8-12 reps
t-bar 4stes 8-12 reps.

Any ideas guys and gals. thanks
If you want mass, you might want to try lower reps higher weight. If you can do 8+ pullups with your body weight, try doing 5X5 with extra weight. Otherwise, stick to pulldowns with as much weight as possible and work the lats. You'll look like a fool if your back is massive and the rest of your body is weak, so keep working everything else equally.
Getting any bodypart "ripped" mainly deals with your diet. Do mass building exercises and get your body fat low enuf and more definition will show for your back or any bp.
You coud also buy the smallest shirts you can squeeze into. ;)
Its all about diet bro. If you want to drop the fat you need to keep training hard but the fat will still be there if the diet is not perfect

As to the routine it looks OK. Add in deadlifts for sure and shrugs for traps.

There are really tons of great movements for back:
power cleans
partial deads
various hammer machines
Pullovers (DB and machine)

Keep mixing it up, add weight while maintaining good form.

And DIET if you want to get ripped.
Don't forget hyperextns or good mornings. It's amazing how many folks work their middle and upper back but dont focus on the lower. Not only do they look so complete down the middle when properly developed, strong lower back muscles are critical to stablizing the back when your killing it on HEAVY deads or squats.