How to test GH deficiency?


New member
I tested GH 3 times in 2014, 2015 and this year. It came out at 0,05 ug/L, 0,05 ug/L and 0,06 ug/L which I believe is very low, especially because insulin is very low - 4 mE/L (ref 2-29,1). S-igf-1 is 273 ug/L. I am 30 years old.

I read that S-IGF-1 is also not a reliable method to tell if somebody has enough GH. I read also that morning GH levels don't tell much because GH has very short lifetime. But then I read that people has morning value at 1 or 2 ug/L. Wouldn't be than in my case at least once in 3 different tests more than just 0,05 ug/L, especially if my insulin is so low?

I know that GH stimulation test can show deficiency. But my doctor won't do that test and the only way to get GH stimulation is through my doctor.

I have all symptoms of deficiency. Is there any other method beside GH stimulation test to suspect GH deficiency?
Doctors use I-GF1 test to make decision to prescribe or not. good luck. If you need it, it costs a lot of $

Your blood test for I-GF1 is in the wrong units for USA. are you outside usa?
Please provide range from lab to show where your number lays, ie low or high
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