how to use IGF-1 LR3?


New member
been running 3 cycles.. and im on my 3th now dbol, test, and some ghrp-6 ...

next cycle in half a year i was thinking doing test / tren and IGF-1 lr3,,,

but i wonder some thing then...

it helps burn fat extremley? and build muscle better?

1) can i just pin it my stomach like ghrp-6 or do i have to shoot same muscle as im training?? ive think ive heard that before but is it true??

2) each vial contains 1mg ( 1000mcg's) ? ... i read normal dose is 60-120 mcgs.. for me first time lets say 60mcgs then??
do i do 1 in morning and 1 at bedtime with 30mcg's each??

3) how long do i have to use it for results?? does it work instant? so i can just buy like 1-2 vials and try it in my cycle??

4) also read about u have to mix it with some special water or it gets destroyed pretty fast... bac water wasnt evenb good enough.... for my ghrp-6 im just using steril sodium water....
LR3 can be pinned subq or IM, 60-120mcg is good..I would start off on the lower end of that to see how you react to it. I would take it post workout on workout days and in the morning on non-workout days. It would be a good addition to your AAS cycle. The IGF-1 should be cycled as well. Many do 4wks on 4wks off. I used bac water with my igf-1 and it was fine but its best to use AA to make sure it keeps its potency.
I would do 25mcg per muscle bilateral so 50 total. Do it every other day. You can do on workout days or not.

So if you workout delts one day, do 25 mcg per delt. Then 2 days later you wourkout triceps pin 25 per tricep immediately pre or post workout.

This should last you 4-5 weeks then take a break for at least 3 weeks.
1 bottle should be fine (1mg) for every 4 weeks you use it.
LR3 will help you burn fat and build muscle.
ehm ok. 25 mcg pr muscle.. hmm... im not doing IM anyways thats too hard doing everyday on so many places... im doing it in the fat... does it spread to the hole body then? if i just do it in my stomach fat... ?? or should i likley just do MGF and GHRP-6 ?
ehm ok. 25 mcg pr muscle.. hmm... im not doing IM anyways thats too hard doing everyday on so many places... im doing it in the fat... does it spread to the hole body then? if i just do it in my stomach fat... ?? or should i likley just do MGF and GHRP-6 ?

Yes, it spreads through the whole body. Sub-q in the stomach is fine. DES and MGF are better pinned IM
what is DES?

ok,, i read that IM is best cus the processs starts faster and stuff.. but if i cando SUB q its fine... but i dont have to do Sub Q injection around the muscle ive trained?? if i workout delts and chest i can still do stomach injection and it works??

should i do it every day? or Eod? or?

i was thinking a cycle before summon or bulk in winter
Anadrol week 1-6 100mg ED
Test E week 1-14 1000mg EW
Tren E week 1-12 400mg EW
Igf-1 lr3 50 mcgs sub Q - ed / Eod?
proviron 50mg Eod + 0.25mg Ari EoD.

Nolva 40/40/20/20 week 17-20

-when in the cycle should i use it ( the IGF)?? if i just got 1mg? should i get 2mg?? can i get great results from 1 bottle? Ed Or EoD shots?
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sub q is fine anywhere with lr3. It will spread through the body and has a longer lasting effect. I would do post workout on workout days.
do i take it everyday? is 1mg enough in a cycle for extra gains?? or how loing do i have to run it?