How to use Test Prop Oil to mix Raw Powder??

Mini Me

New member
I have Raw Test Enanthate and Raw Decca, but cant get oil to suspend it in.. But I do have 50 x 1ml amps of Test Prop at 25mg per ml. I want to open the amps and use the oil for my Decca or Enanthate... How much BA should I use to keep it at 5%

5 grams test Enanthate
???ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5% BA
19.25 ml of Test Prop in Oil
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 or 20 gauge needles
2 x mixing Vials
I cant get whatman filters but have 0.45 filters a little bigger than my thumb nail (For an I.V drip I think)

Also I can't get Sealed sterile vials... (In China)

I was going to heat the non sterile vial with my new mixture in it (Enanthate/Prop or Decca/Prop) uncovered at 275 for 1 hour and then put a rubber bung (Previously soaked in BA over night) in the top.. Not ideal but will it be sterile or not??
Should I increase the BA to ensure its sterile??
once again ba is not an end all to sterility. at best it only kills a portion of the bactertia which can be lurking in the darkness. ba is a great water soluable solvent. ba does not make a compound sterile. in some cases it does not even kill bacteria but inhibits growth. for oily solutions pharmacopoeia recommends filtration with heat sterilzation at 150c. antimicrobials are fairly ineffective in this situation. for aqueous solutions antimicrobials in conjunction with autoclaving at 120c is suffient. in a later article i read that 120c is suffient for oily solutions as well. i like to use 275f or so just to make sure.

now, deca and test enan will not suspend. they are both soluable in oil. niether of these hormones requires a solvent. bro youy need to do a bit more research before you hurt your self. the directions for making test and deca are clearly outlined in several places on this board. do your self a favor and do some reading. I am not being ugly just suggesting that you gsather some more info before venturing out blindly. good luck.
Thanks for the reply Pullin big,

I cut and pasted that conversion from the first sticky on the chemical study

Instructions for Making Injectables from Powders
By: Harvey Balboner, MOD@

in his conversion he says to use 1ml of BA admitidly I did change a few details but not the BA content..

My question still isn't answered though, will my way work and is there away of checking to see if my end solution is sterile? (With out injecting it?) If no BA is needed, then the already 5% that is in my Test Prop should be OK right??
One last question, after filtering so long as my solution is clear I can heat it to 275 for 1hour and it will be completely sterile, True?


Mini Me
your prop has ba and prolly bb in it. open all you vials dump them in a beaker and see how much you got, should be 50ml. add app 12g enan powder to the prop. this is gonna give you about 63ml of test 200. filter it in to a vial and bake as mentioned earlier and you will have a sterile solution. be sure to aspirate the vial when baking. as far as you deca goes any kinda of oil will work. add the powder/paste to oil heat til it melts filter and bake. if your vilas are not sealed bake the vials in the oven first for an hour filter into open vials and immediately cap.. then bake in oven, dont forget to aspiate when baking. this will work. BTW what is a rubber bung?lkololol
Mini Me said:
1. is there away of checking to see if my end solution is sterile? (With out injecting it?)

- Probably not without great hassle

2. If no BA is needed, then the already 5% that is in my Test Prop should be OK right??

- I would think so, so long there is actually alcohol in there and its in that ratio.

3. after filtering so long as my solution is clear I can heat it to 275 for 1hour and it will be completely sterile, True?

- I dont see why not.
Thanks I am only going to try with 5 grams of Test Enan since I dont want to fuck up too much gear if it doesnt work..

Here in China no one uses Sealed Sterile Vials. The hospital gave me vials but unsealed and said that they just use a rubber stopper jammed in the top... Similar to something that I used in Chemistry class about 20years ago.... (Dense rubber stopper) Similar to wine making stuff and not very medical grade looking, but it is from the Hospital. But saying that they use the re-usable syringe needles here so maybe not a good sign..

My plan was to make 20ml and see if it works out, but I would love to know if it is remaining sterile in the bottle... Do you know of any way that I could test it??


Mini Me
it will be sterile if you follow the procedure i gave you. if it aint you will know about two days after you do it. lololol