How worth is it taking steroids ?


New member
I've been doing a little of research recently and noticed that you guys sacrifice a lot
of stuff in order to run a proper cycle. Nights out with mates, Alcohol, Fast food are definitely out
of the routine. I've been working out a lot recently but have finally reached a plateau which is hard to break.
I was just wondering how worth is taking steroids and sacrificing all this stuff, plus fighting all the sides while
and after cycle, in order to roughly gain 20lb off it ? Any input would be appreciated.
Um, well alcohol is bad to begin with, so is fast food, so that's a no brainer. I still went out with friends last night and didn't feel compelled to drink. I carried an extra meal with me and had an awesome time.

If you cycle properly, you shouldn't be fighting crazy sides anyways, so I really see nothing that is different than my normal off-cycle life, except I am eating more..
If your first concern in regards to the sacrafices we make to live the life we live, I assure you that nights out with our mates, alcohol, and fast food are never the fist things that cross our minds in terms of concerns.

youre reasoning for wanting to do aas is not a good one, nor should you even attempt to supplement with aas. Given your knowledge and maturity, as well as training experience and nutritional education, i think you need to stick to going out with your friends, tone down the alcohol, cut the fast food, read a book on dieting, buy all the legal supplements you want, but do not use steroids.

You will hurt yourself. It is not worth it to you, given how ignorant your reasoning for wanting to use aas was.
Its not really the AAS that causes "sacrificing" but the life style in it self. Steroids or not well working out you make the most changes. Eating more and watch what your eating. Making time to workout, not staying out late to get a good night sleep but i dont really find anything a sacrifice because i love working out. And not drinking who cares i quit awhile ago and i feel better than ever.
These are awsome responses. If the " sacrifices" you speak of arent already part of your daily lifestyle, you probably arent ready for aas. Dropping the booz and fast food and late nights alone would probably help you break thru your plateu
I couldn't agree more with everyone. This lifestyle is a passion for people and when your priorities are bettering your physique, eating healthy and supplementing properly; those are a byproduct of getting proper rest, diet, and minimal to no alcohol. This does not mean you don't get too chill with friends, you just enjoy their company while being sober...and yolked as hell!!!!
You have to be greedy if you want to reach a goal. Sacrifice is part of the lifestyle. You have to put yourself first before anything else. Just remember while everyone is getting fat and drunk your that much closer to your goals. BOOM!
I don't care how much a skydiver tells me it's worth it. He might have some life altering spiritual experience while doing it but you're going to be the only one who can define "how much it's worth."

edit: grammar fails me
I don't care how much a skydiver tells me it's worth it. He might have some life altering spiritual experience while doing it but you're going to be the only one who can define "how much it's worth."

edit: grammar fails me

I agree with this
I don't care how much a skydiver tells me it's worth it. He might have some life altering spiritual experience while doing it but you're going to be the only one who can define "how much it's worth."

edit: grammar fails me

Amen to this. The price you ultimately pay for any given choice in your life is only paid by you and you only. The sad part ia that if it turns out pretty bad...then tgose who love you pay with their pain and suffering. If you had to ask this question I and probably many agree that your not ready yet.

Good luck on your choice