howzit..dis is me...



I was gonna take a couple flexing but the batteries dies. Plus, the before pictures were not taken felxing/posing...oh well, I'd be shame anyhow.
6 months of bulking. currently 226. I would like some critique feedback on how I can improve proportion. Need more chest, and wider lats?? exercise recomendations?
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Looking Great!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got some good gains going for you there. Keep it up. It you where to put some boulder shoulders on, you would look not just great, but fantastic.

Here are some of mine.
well ,,did u run any cycles cause your gains are hard to get naturally specially after only 6months ,,,not to mention that u r tall too so if u didnt actually juice i will call it bull shit !!!!!!! :shoot2:
LiftTillIDie said:
excellent gains, especially in the pecs/delts

what kind of cycle(s) did you run?

I ran a M1T only cycle in the begining...then a Deca/Enan cycle later. I did realize that it is harder being taller, my buddies, who are shorter than I, gain a lot quicker. oh well, means I just gotta work 2wice as hard then.
Thanks for the feedback guys
PoiPounda said:
I ran a M1T only cycle in the begining...then a Deca/Enan cycle later. I did realize that it is harder being taller, my buddies, who are shorter than I, gain a lot quicker. oh well, means I just gotta work 2wice as hard then.
Thanks for the feedback guys
nice progress bro :) i know how its hard to put on mass for a tall frame ,, :spank:
got legs? also, i like your avatar.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to PoiPounda again.

Attn focused1: you should start your own thread.