hrt for out of state patients


New member
so.... low test. your dr. retires in your state so you go to an out of state.... lets say florida hrt clinic. is that legal? just getting test at 200mgs a week and nothing else other then Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? just trying to figure out what to do. thanks!
Unless you see a physician at least once and the physician does a physical exam, then it isn't legal in many states.

One option is to visit Dr. John ( All Things Male - Center for Men's Health ). He is a legitimate HRT doc and he'll treat you over the Internet provided you can go to his office for the first visit.

However, don't expect to get 200mg/wk from him unless 200mk/wk puts your serum testosterone into the upper part of the normal range.

Dr. John doesn't do the insurance thing, but you may be able to send the bill to your insurance and you can fill the Rx from Dr. John at whatever pharmacy you like, so your insurance should cover that. Many of the so-called HRT clinics make you buy overpriced low quality gear directly from them, which itself isn't ethical or legal.
well thats kindof what i figured.... i should be getting my test results back this week and there is NO way i wont be rock bottom. the dr i found in my area will not prescribe injections or hcg but will do the adrogel. im just hoping for at least two packs a day.

so i guess all these guys using florida hrt clinics out of state are doing in at their own risk?
Eagle, feel free to pm me and I can give you some info that I have gathered. My doc is the same - androgel happy. My HRT clinic seems to agree with my philosophy of treating the problem. I think that as long as you have been examined and consulted with - an out of state HRT clinic is okay. I dont care if they are in Hungary as long as they prescribe the proper meds not just what some pharmaceutical rep is pushing through the doctors office. aka testim and androgel. My test levels dropped after two weeks of andro - It may not have been enough time but I hate the stuff. Go with the injections.