Hrt??? Update


I am banned!
So I'm finishing my 3rd week on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and have found very little to no difference. I am on 10mg of methyltestoserone ED. I take it in the morning time. I went by the doctors office today to get a copy of my test results to see what my levels were. My testoserone serum was 390 and my free testoserone was 9.4. From what I have been reading with other peoples results that is pretty low. Does it take longer then the 3 weeks for it to work? Do you guys think my dose is too low? My next appointment with the doctor is in 3 more weeks. What should I do?
Call the doc and Tell them your still feeling like crap and you want them to increase the dose and have blood work dome again on your next visit. Remember the Doctor works for you. You have what he wants your money.
Dude- you should feel like a new man after 3 weeks - I did. You are not doing enough. I needed 250/week to make it work.

Agree with DPR - just call your doctor - he'll up the dose.
It looks like you beat me to my own 1st thread/post subject. I have been taking 100mg/week of Cyp for a little over 3weeks now and for the first 2-3 days I feel better(like I did with androgel) and then I start to feel like crap again until my next injection. I was on androgel 10g/day for 4 months prior and it seemed to work well, I gained back most of the muscle (15-17lbs) I had lost over the years with low T and had a descent labido again. It was just a PITA scrubbing my arms/abs down 2 times a day to apply it. I'm going back in a couple of weeks to get another blood panel to see if I can adjust the dose. Good luck and keep us posted and I will do the same.
The gel sucks - it rubs off on your girlfriend and your cat/dog - that is a bad thing. Do not use gel.

get the test cyp or test enan injectable and be done with it - 250/week and in 4 weeks you'll be a new man.
Hey guys. Just wanted to give another update to let you know where I am with my HRT. After the 3 weeks was up I went back to the Dr and told him I felt no better at that dose of 10mg. So he gave me a script for the next month that would have me tacking 2 of the 10mg methyltest a day. After a few days of being on it I felt like a new man! I finished that script and had another visit with the Dr and he wanted to keep me at that dose and ween me off completely. I explained to him that the pills were far to expensive for me (250.00 w/insurance) for a month. I asked if he could give me injectable. He said yes but wanted me to come into the office to get the shots. I told him my wife was a nurse and she can give me the shots and he said ok. He wanted to give me 1cc (200mg) of test cyp a month. I was explaining to him that wouldn't be remotely close to the dose I was taking in pill form. He then said I could take 1 shot every 2 weeks. He gave me a script for 10cc of test cyp and 10 seringes with 1 refill on both. He wants to see me back in 5 months. I don't believe 200 mg of cyp will male me feel good after the 1st week of the injection. He also wanted me to expirement on how long I can go after the shot feeling fine to see if I can go longer than the 2 weeks. What I plan on doing is 200mg every week until I have to see him again. What do you guys think about my choice and what would you do in my cituation?
Yo KevD- Lots of time has passed since you posted your update and I'd like to think you've gotten this situation in hand. I've got to say that your doctor's peculiar thinking has me somewhat concerned. He just doesn't sound like he has much experience with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in the first place.

In view of Test Cyp's half-life there's no way in hell 200 mgs could possibly last a month. Clearly YOU know it, so how's it possible that this knucklehead doctor doesn't?
Anyhow, I would continue seeing this doctor ONLY if he can be usefully directed to prescribe what you need, otherwise....
Honestly there comes a point (in some situations) when, beside the Rx for gear itself, prescribing and perhaps help reading blood tests is the only real reason to even have a doctor involved. Unless the physician is genuinely informed, that is. Frankly most are not.
I'm a newb into this world but I am on HRT. Like Tenacity said, it sounds like your Doc is not up to speed on HRT.

My insurance (Tricare) doesn't pay for it and I took a hard swallow paying for the treatment out of my own pocket but after the 1st week I was walking around the house with a woody from hell!

Find a more informed / receptive Dr...
unless it's sust i would say 200mg a week is rediculous.. your docs an idiot it seems...
Dude you'll probably need 200mg per week.

At least 200mg a week... Depends on your size and other factors.

His doc wants to give him 200mg every two weeks.
He'll be riding a hormonal rollorcoaster.He'll feel good for the first week then like shit in the second...
Here's some shit for you guys. My doc tried giving me 1 shot/1 CC every Three Weeks of cyp 200. That's ridiculus, but any rate ive been cruising very nicely with 200mg every 10 Days suprising considering the amount of cycles and my size. Able to fuck the lady twice a day and get stronger.
Here's some shit for you guys. My doc tried giving me 1 shot/1 CC every Three Weeks of cyp 200. That's ridiculus, but any rate ive been cruising very nicely with 200mg every 10 Days suprising considering the amount of cycles and my size. Able to fuck the lady twice a day and get stronger.

Thanks guys for all the input and reassurance of what i've been thinking. Well heres what i've been doing. I've been taking 200mg a week and feeling great. Like a new man! The dr gave me a script for cyp 10ml with 1 refill. I am supposed to see him again in like 5 more months and i figure it will last until I see him next time. At that time I will tell him I tried it his way and it didn't work. I will tell him what i've been taking and it's working perfectly. If he doesn't keep me on what I want to be on then I will find another dr. Once again thanks for the input
I love to hear stories like this. Makes me feel like I am not alone. Kinda cool watching him come to his own conclusions after trial/error and taking our input and the bottom line is it worked for him.

You think you feel good now, ever tried HGH??