New member
I don't know what to do anymore. I have tried test, mast, d-bol, superdrol, N02, cell tech, and recently started eating a lot of fruit.
I can't seem to build big muscles.
I am the laughing stock in my gym. My name is Waymen and I feel like a little school girl having a bad day.
My max lifts right now are,
bench- 185
squat- 145
dead lift- 165
I have been training for three years 5 days a week. I lift light weight because I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to get too big.
but I want bigger muscles and to be able to lift more weight.
Should I get on a meal plan? A local guy said he'd charge me $300.00 per month for a meal plan. He wants 600.00 down though.
is it worth it ?
someone please help me.
I don't know if I should buy another cycle or not
I am 20 years old
I can't seem to build big muscles.
I am the laughing stock in my gym. My name is Waymen and I feel like a little school girl having a bad day.
My max lifts right now are,
bench- 185
squat- 145
dead lift- 165
I have been training for three years 5 days a week. I lift light weight because I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to get too big.
but I want bigger muscles and to be able to lift more weight.
Should I get on a meal plan? A local guy said he'd charge me $300.00 per month for a meal plan. He wants 600.00 down though.
is it worth it ?
someone please help me.
I don't know if I should buy another cycle or not
I am 20 years old