I am a very strong guy but peopel say i look small


New member
I don't know what to do anymore. I have tried test, mast, d-bol, superdrol, N02, cell tech, and recently started eating a lot of fruit.

I can't seem to build big muscles.

I am the laughing stock in my gym. My name is Waymen and I feel like a little school girl having a bad day.

My max lifts right now are,

bench- 185
squat- 145
dead lift- 165

I have been training for three years 5 days a week. I lift light weight because I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to get too big.

but I want bigger muscles and to be able to lift more weight.

Should I get on a meal plan? A local guy said he'd charge me $300.00 per month for a meal plan. He wants 600.00 down though.

is it worth it ?

someone please help me.

I don't know if I should buy another cycle or not

I am 20 years old
I don't know what to do anymore. I have tried test, mast, d-bol, superdrol, N02, cell tech, and recently started eating a lot of fruit.

I can't seem to build big muscles.

I am the laughing stock in my gym. My name is Waymen and I feel like a little school girl having a bad day.

My max lifts right now are,

bench- 185
squat- 145
dead lift- 165

I have been training for three years 5 days a week. I lift light weight because I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to get too big.

but I want bigger muscles and to be able to lift more weight.

Should I get on a meal plan? A local guy said he'd charge me $300.00 per month for a meal plan. He wants 600.00 down though.

is it worth it ?

someone please help me.

I don't know if I should buy another cycle or not

I am 20 years old


You just posted not long ago that you knew all this stuff and were smarter than anyone on forum.

As far as a meal plan visit 3J's 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level. if you going to spend that kind of hard earned money. His way is tried and true. As for the lack of muscle growth, you did start using at the age of 17 when your body was still growing naturally but once those chemicals got in your system (at the age of 17) your body stopped producing natural testosterone and thus the lack in size now. Some say the recommended age to start using AAS is around 22-24 years of age when your body has lowered its natural testosterone body growing cycle. Is it possible to get that lost body size back? Diet, diet, diet, you say you just started eating fruit? You should be eating half a cow per sitting if your trying to look like a beast. Follow 3J's advice, lots of great testimonials about him. Keep us updated!
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OP - look on the bright side, you've got one good thing going for you, I.e., your BIG BONER. Supposedly :rolleyes:
thanks for the reply guys.

I will check out 3js first

I know the first thing is dieting.

I am a smart guy I know what I need to do I just need more advice
People need to seriously grow the fuck up! Nevermind trying to neg rep me with nothing but saying ignorant shit too? Bet you wouldnt say that away from your keyboard would you?...
I don't know. Mods, admin you guys got your hands full. Little kids are starting to ruin this place. Don't think I don't know who keeps negging with the ignorant comments.