I am going to review preworkout supps I have used.


Pale Gorilla
I get a bunch of samples for preworkouts from my brother (trainer and vitamin shoppe shill he is) so I will give your guys my review if anyone actually cares lol.

BPI 1MR preworkout formula:

Key ingredient: 300 mg of caffeine (that is a lot)

Also has some niacin, arginine, and a tiny amount of creatine.


It gave me a decent amount of energy and focus. More or less par the course for these things, but it was a little more potent and that was apparent. A much better choice than a can of Monster or Red Bull, and better than many of the other pre workouts that constantly change their formulas, but I will post reviews on those later on. Nothing too special but it definitely get the job done. Had a great workout and would use it again. Note that this was not used on a stressful training day like legs or back. It got me through some heavy shoulder work, and a smaller calf routine. The taste was not bad either.

Rating: 7.5/10

*My rating is based of a score of 5/10 for three caffeine pills taken as a preworkout. Anything over this score is better, lower worse.

I will be back with a review of Bull Knox sometime next week
Careful those pw are toxic way nore than any tren ect.... absolute disaster to a decent cycle, it seems to really spike bp when your on gear, that stuff is better suited for someone natty
Not a bad idea. I want to find out if test suspension is a good pre workout. I got some test base powder but I have never brewed any gear using water instead of oil so hopefully I don't fuck it up.
test suspension would give me a lot of energy I would sprint on it for an hour and would burn fat and still have energy to workout
Checking back in to update. Having a weird reaction to this pre workout. Face is hurting, not itching, hurting as if someone jabbed my forehead with a glove on. Going back to coffee for a few weeks just in case.
Coffee 2 bronkaids= Crack i take 1 lol

I cant take 2 bronks with coffee.... I will do 1 bronky and several cups of coffee every 3-4 hrs.... up to 3 doses that way I can get to sleep that night. In fact I noticed sometimes Im exhausted and ready for bed no problem, I think its from spinning out all day and I finally crash.
What about 20 Mg of Adderall and a cup of espresso. Great session at the gym and energy at home to change your brakes on a school night. Sorta feel like shit the next day. Not that I'm speaking from past experience.....
Adderall gives a great boost and lowers appetite a bit, it just makes me cramp so bad during lifting I usually avoid a dose before a workout. Mine is script to throw that out there. I often take less then prescribed after a fee days of continuous use I begin to feel cranked out.