I am now ready for the next level


New member
So, I've already completed my first cycle last summer of simply just 500mg test/week for 6 weeks and weaned off 100 mg per week for a seventh and eigth week.

I'm ready to take on a new cycle, I'm thinking of this;

250 mg deca /week
500 mg test /week
50 mg proviron /day

any objections or tips for this second cycle? I don't want to screw myself or move into it too fast.
Your first cycle was very half-assed. I don't think it could've gotten any more half-assed. I would suggest reading the beginner cycle stickys. 6 weeks of a long ester compound is a waste. It's just getting to peak levels and then you decide to taper down which is another pointless move. Did you even use an ai at all? You didn't do any pct. Proviron isn't your answer either. You definitely need to study up because your methods are bro-science that does not work.
Not a bad 2nd cycle, but the first cycle tells more. Things yu left out
- blood work
-ai protocol
-cycle length-
-age body stats-training

We're here to help, but don't confuse help with being spoon fed everything you should know before running a cycle. Knowledge is power. More research is needed here
Test e for 6 weeks? Sorry that's just comical....anybody who has half ass researched knows you have to run long ester longer then that. Deca already? I have run enough cycles in my life and have yet to touch the deca. T-minus a month and a half:)
Something tells me you have a lot more research to do along with naturally growing your body to its full potential before even considering the use of AAS!
So, I've already completed my first cycle last summer of simply just 500mg test/week for 6 weeks and weaned off 100 mg per week for a seventh and eigth week.

I'm ready to take on a new cycle, I'm thinking of this;

250 mg deca /week
500 mg test /week
50 mg proviron /day

any objections or tips for this second cycle? I don't want to screw myself or move into it too fast.

OK OP don't get you panties in a wad.. I'm usually harder on guys with their ignorance then most of these guys but I'm not gonna bash you but tell you what's up.

Six weeks is nothing when the test is just beginning to begin the real metabolic and the synergistic work together to build muscle with your training and nutrition. Weaning is not done due to you are shut down from day one and will no start back weeks after and your PCT. SO that was the second mistake.

Next you didn't use an AI to control your estrogen (E2) SO if you gained poundage from the 6-8 week cycle ( you called it) it is most all water and glycogen etc...

SO now you are proposing a second cycle and that is with not even doing a first CYCLE :dunno: half correctly. You haven't included a AI or your PCT protocol. The Deca you propose is of therapeutic dose. You have not told us how long you want to run these compounds or your Stats in which needs to be discussed to be able to help you.

You getting the point OP... there is so much wrong that there isn't anything right.

All the info you need to know and learn (almost) is on this forum in the stickys. We don't spoon feed because well you would never understand why we are tell you this. YOU need to understand what and why you are doing what we are telling you. Then you can't be lead astray by your bro-science buddies in the gym...Make sense

DO some reading and COME BACK and ask Qs but do not continue with idea you have . It is way off
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I been doing this 4 years and im barely on level 7 there is 150 levels start with level 1 be patient
I been doing this 4 years and im barely on level 7 there is 150 levels start with level 1 be patient

Bullshit I mean who are you kidding big boy 9 er :insane: I been doing this since 1980 and I am only on level 6 .... you liar :laugh:
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Seriously OP, get back here.. we're all just making more fun nd don't mean to get your panties in a wad. SOoooo come on back and continue with some Q's where we can help and steer you better. That's what would be respectful and make us happy getting you help :wavey:
Can only assume op is 20 years old by screen name...

That's ok ^^^ but why not just come back and talk a little. Say Oh I didn't know and someone told me. Thanks for the help . let me see if I can't learn something and begin again.

Shit I'm the only guy on here that hasn't ever fvcked up and have some brains, not like you others "dance2: :laugh: :jump: