i am running my first cycle after being on trt for 10 months


New member
So I have been on trt for about 10 months now. They tested me about every month till we got the right number and the right feeling. 200mg every week is my number. My DR is a little aggressive. When I am in for a shot I am around 700.
Not a trt thread tho I promise...

I am a new man and I've been in the gym ever since. Still a big ole boy but I throw some weight down and up lol. I walk about 22000 steps a day due to my job. I eat much cleaner than I have but I prolly need to do better.

I am starting my first increased cycle.
600 mg cyp wkly,
I got my anti estrogen, lifetime supply actually.
I am doing 20 mg of dbol ed for the first 4 weeks.
I am planning on doing a 12 week cycle.
I should probably do tren also but I am scared of the sides.

I am just glad to have energy and everyone notice that I bust my ass in that gym. Tho I think some of the old guys are chipping in and buying me a tow because I always forget mine. Lol
Why 600mg? What is your stuff dosed at? I don't see why you couldn't blast a little lower dose than that, but it's up to you.

That's definitely NOT ENOUGH dbol. You should probably use it at minimum 40-50 per day. If you don't have that much, then ditch it. Also, if you're already a big boy, why would you want the bloat that dbol will cause? You're already on TRT, you don't really need a kickstart.

No, you shouldn't run Tren. You need to add compounds one at a time so you can see how your body takes to them individually. Test dbol, then maybe next time add Tren. I've never used it before, but it's definitely a designer drugs with a lot of pros and cons that aren't to be taken lightly.
Yep, I don't have a lot plus it does give me some shitty sides. I went hard in the gym tonight and I am having trouble sleeping because I am still amping from it. Lil sweaty and it is a cool 74 in the house. I actually don't retain water that bad on it, but I do get a tad bit of a stomach ache. I have been trying different foods with it to see if it helps. I notice a difference off 20 mg honestly
Your first blast should be with just Test. No dbol. No Tren. Just Test. You need to learn how to manage estradiol and any other negative sides on the Higher test dose first. Think of this as a learning process. You have a lifetime to learn this now. It is a marathon, not a sprint.

make sure you get mid-cycle blood work. See the link in my signature for info on how to get Private blood work.

Why no hCG?

Do you have some Raloxifene on hand in case Gyno becomes an issue?
Listen to Mega - he will help you accomplish your goals safely. A first cycle should always be test only. Another reason, other than the super important estrogen one Mega mentioned, is that any side effects you get will be due to the increased test. You know this because it is the only thing you changed. After learning how to deal with E2 and any sides, you can add another item in the next cycle. Any new sides are due to that new item. If you add three items at once (for example), you have no real way to know which item is causing what side effect.

You have many decades left, do this slowly and smartly.
As Megatron stated, its a marathon. Running everything low and slow is the key.

If you're getting shitty sides from 20mg, why even take it at all?
Hey brother, you mind giving me your bodyfat percentage? I won't tell you not to cycle, but from experience, higher body fat makes it difficult to control e2.

I'm not aware of your cycle history (if there is any), but keeping gyno at bay and estrogen under control is proven more difficult with high bf%. Just something to keep in mind while planning your cycle.
I am at 29% body fat which is bad. I know... Here is some info about me. I mow lawns for a living in Texas. That should tell you a little bit..
This is my third cycle, my first cycle dystroyed my balls. I don't produce any natural test. I have about 100 anti estrogen pills at home. I was taking a half pill a week, then they said my estrogen was to low, so I just save them now. I feel like can feel estrogen when it is high. I notice it in how I feel. We got all that in check, this cycle could throw me up a little. I will prolly take a half a pill again through the cycle. I don't take hcg because I am on trt and I love it. Lol

I have been taking dbol this week and honestly, I don't really like it. I feel like crap the next morning? I will take your advice and toss it.

The first cycle I ever did I went from about 290lbs to 260. 33% bf to 26% I took one day off a week in the gym and I stayed steady for 5 months. After that I lost my natural t and it never came back. Two years later I figured out my t was at 135.