i bought novolin r today *************

Too many kids watching Bostin Loyd's DIY videos. He places emphasis on how easy it is for anyone to walk into a pharmacy and buy insulin. I'm willing to bet that's where the OP got his genius idea from.

Ill admit he pushed me alittle.
But I was already thinking about it prior to his video but he made me feel as if I took it I wouldn't die.

I was thinking as stated in my other thread.
4iu Mon/wed/fri post work out with my hgh.
4 weeks on 4 weeks off.

Seems really mild
Listen to experience here bro - if you don't have a insulin deficit then you don't need insulin . Half my family has diabetes and I'm trying to prolong it as long as I can .....think with your head . ~Bo
Too many kids watching Bostin Loyd's DIY videos. He places emphasis on how easy it is for anyone to walk into a pharmacy and buy insulin. I'm willing to bet that's where the OP got his genius idea from.

You couldnt ask for a worse role model than Bostin Loyd , he's everything thats wrong with bodybuilding these days . I highly doubt he'll see 40 , and not without some major organ damage....
You couldnt ask for a worse role model than Bostin Loyd , he's everything thats wrong with bodybuilding these days . I highly doubt he'll see 40 , and not without some major organ damage....

I'm sure they're 1000s and 1000s of people just like him. They picked their poison.
All the above ^^^^^^^...side note: you said you would not be doing anything illegal? Not sure where your from, but it IS illegal to be in possession of a drug like insulin without a prescription...

not in michigan, i walked right up to the pharmacy in walmart and got it no questions asked.
i also plan on using the novolin starting next january, when i went be taking 4 classes, only 2, so i can focus on my diet and training and work over school a little more.
You wasted your time and money. You obviously don't care about being healthy and want instant gratification by becoming "big" fast. It doesn't work like that.
Especially since you obviously don't compete.. My advice would be steer clear of all the exotics such as insulin,t3, gh, r even some anabolics unless you're a SERIOUS bodybuilding competitor trying to make a name for yourself.. If you're messing with stuff like that just to look good or impresses the big booty bitch at work, that's not the wisest choice. Again, just my opinion.. At the end of the day you can do whatever you want..
Yup you'll be fat as fuck in no time.. Slin without the use of gh/aas is plain stupid as fuck.. Not gonna lie.

This. You don't know what your doing OP. Slin on its own is a plain stupid idea to begin with. If you know enough of what your doing and don't die, you will end up fat with no added muscle.
Damn that's crazy! In my state you have to have a prescription for needles, let alone insulin! In any event, still think your playing with fire....