I can't figure out what is going on......


Can't figure out....OP gear related

Ok so Im in my 3rd week of my 2nd cycle. Doing 625mg of test e a week, 1.25cc's mondays and thursdays. I have my girlfriend doing my pinns, just like my 1st cycle, she cleans the area 3 times with an alcohol swab before injecting just to be safe. cleans the top of the vial with a swap before drawing. draws with a 20g 1.5" needle, injects glutes with a 25g 1.5" needle and delts with a 25g 1" needle. When she pins, she goes in slowly, aspirates and injects slowly. She injects slowly and when she gets about half the gear in she'll stop for about 10 seconds and then start injecting again. When all the gear is in she'll leave the needed in for about 10 seconds and then removes. Hardly a drop of blood and never any gear has seeped out of the injection site. Just wanted to get the technique out of the way. So anyway my 1st week I pinned my right glute then my right delt. Hardly any pip at all, all is fine. The next day comes around and I can feel that I got pinned. I really wouldn't call it pip as I could still walk and the spot didn't really bother me. Site looks normal, no lump no redness. Thursday comes around and we do my right delt. Everything went good, no pip no blood. The next day I start to get pip and my delt swells up. By this day my right glute is back to normal. Monday comes around and its the 3rd pin for me. We pin my left glute, goes well. Next day Im really feeling it. Not crippling pip but gotta sit down slow kinda pip. And I also noticed above the injection site the top left of my ass cheek is swollen. When I flex my ass it really pops out. Not red or warmer than usual to the touch. By thursday its my 4th pin and we do my left delt. By this time the pip is gone from my left glute and the swelling has went down some but now the back outter of my leg is a little swollen. Pinning the left delt went good too but also next day it gets swollen and pip. More swollen than my right delt and pip is a little worse but bearable. Yesterday was my 5th pin so we did my right glute, all went good til today. Its starting to feel like my left one did. Started to get some pip this morning at work and its above the injection site, just like the left glute. Right now my left glute does not hurt but its still a little swollen at the top, my leg isnt swollen anymore. Just wondering what the hell is going on. My 1st cycle I ran pinnacle's test e @ 500mg's a week. Is it OP's gear or that I'm running a 1/4 more cc's?
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Really man is it really that big of a deal could be alot of differnt things for me the pip changes all the time even if i inject in the same spot with same gear. Who knows mayby you have a slight more sensitivity to that site as long as the pip subsides dont worry about it. Happy pinning
Seen that before. Just called it PIP and planned workouts around it. Looking for a brand that doesn't do that.

Only had this probably twice with pinnacle gear, bad pip in my quad and left glute. This time it seems like I'm gonna go through this my whole cycle with OP gear.