I did a 16 week tren cycle. Recovery wasnt very fun


New member
My 4rth or 5th tren cycle i took to the limits and pushed it to 16 weeks. First tren cycle was 10 weeks. Then did a few 12 weekers. The longer ur on the tougher recovery is. Its sucks to come off no matter how long. After tgat 26 week 500mg/week it was like a 6 month recovery. I think i went at least 8 montgs to make sure. From now on im not going past 10 weeks. I just finnished a 9 week cycle of 350 test p and 700 tren a and im not as shut down as the 16 weeks at less tren. It does suck finnishing. Im 2 weeks into pct and i miss the crazy pumps but i just force my self to work harder so when im back on its beast mode time again.
My point is to anyone new at tren is to be carefull and dont start it again if u dont know ur fully recovered