I don't get it!!


New member
Ok I have sort of a problem here.

My last cycle was Sust250/EQ. That Sustanon (sust). hurt real bad. Everytime I injected it would be sore for up to a week. Leaving lumps/etc. They would eventually would go away, but it still happened never the less. I finally had to stop 2 weeks short of my cycle because my leg got infected from an injection. It turned red and it was the size of just about my whole quad. In anycase I got some medication and it went away.

Now fast foward to the present. I just started my new cycle. I injected on Sunday (Test E./EQ). 1st day was fine. But into day 2 and so on, it gets increasingly worse. Now it is 5 days after the shot and it is red, the whole side of my quad. It hurts to even walk. I had some of the meds from before so I started taking those last night.

I guess my question is, what is the deal? Is there anything I can do? I am very clean and use precautions when I inject. I use alcohol swabs, and wipe everything.

Sorry for the long post, I am just curious to why this keeps happening.

I injected into my glute last night, and so far it is a little sore, but so far so good. If it gets like my quad, I am just going to have to stop this cycle. Which I do NOT want to do!
I had basically the exact same thing happen to me. Even got the quad infection too. I found that injecting higher up on the thigh and a lot more to the outside solved the problem. Now I just get minor soreness and that is after shooting 3 ml's of LFC Enanthate.
I know it is cheap, etc. But that is all I could get my hands on.

I figured a lot of it had to do with where I injected. When I did, I thought it was higher up, but when I was done I realized it was a little to low. So when I walk the muscle flexes and irritates it everytime.

Biggie: Is there anything that you did to get rid of or help the infection go away fast?
I ate limping around. It makes me look like an idiot(alright so it makes me look MORE like an idiot!!).
crazymike said:

Biggie: Is there anything that you did to get rid of or help the infection go away fast?
I ate limping around. It makes me look like an idiot(alright so it makes me look MORE like an idiot!!).

hahahaha. You wouldnt believe what happened to me. I ended up being stubborn and waiting it out. Well, that wasnt the best move. Ended up finally going to the local clinic after about a week where they told me to get myself to Emergency. Ended up in the hosptial overnight on an IV. When they released me, I had to have a nurse come to my house and hook me up to a portable IV which I had to carry around in this little bag all day for about 2 weeks. My belief is that it was caused by my non-use of an alcohol wipe after the injection. When you put your pants back on after a shot, you can never really know if some little parasite or dirt particle is present there and looking to find a new home, namely your open wound caused by the injection.

Anyways, thats my theory and Im sticking to it.

But ever since that incident, I always use alcohol wipes before and after injections. I also try to avoid putting my pants right back on after a shot unless of course they are freshly clean pants right from the washer/dryer. Also, I shoot a lot higher on the thigh as well as injecting pretty much in the side of my thigh.

Hope that helps.
are you putting dirty pants back on the leg immediately after injection? also, remember, it takes alcohol up to 10 minutes to completely disenfect the area, thats why many doctors now use betadine, its much much faster. but when they use alcohol, notice how they do a sprial-outwars motion, to sort of move the contaminants out of the way i guess.
StoneColdNTO said:
I realize it sounds whimpy....but putting a little band-aid over the inj. site might not be a bad idea either.

Yup. I do this regularly as well. Forgot to mention it. Once you've had an infection like I had, you do everything possible to make sure you avoid another one. It was definitely the worst thing that has happened to me from using AAS.
IV antibiotics are a bitch. I had to do the same thing b/c of a sinus infection. Not too long after that my doc wanted to put me back on another round of IV antibiotics. I convinced his to do IM antibiotics ed. At the time I was finishing up the last two weeks of my cycle with prop. Needless to say... it was not fun.

After a glute injection, I always wipe the area with alcohol and then walk around in the nude for about 10min. For some reason I enjoy walking about nude after my injections.
grafix-gnc said:
are you putting dirty pants back on the leg immediately after injection? also, remember, it takes alcohol up to 10 minutes to completely disenfect the area, thats why many doctors now use betadine, its much much faster. but when they use alcohol, notice how they do a sprial-outwars motion, to sort of move the contaminants out of the way i guess.

Nice post G