I EAT LETTUCE: The vegetarian testosterone/peptide log

nice i might try this

its not a bad way man, has worked for me.

let me say the icecream is not a great idea right. I'm kind of off that kick right now too. I just don't want anyone to think i'm advocating eating it.

i remember back in the 1990's reading an article in one of those gay ass mags about craig titus eating icecream in the off season to get bigger. thats horse shit. i eat it cause it taste good. thats it.
its not a bad way man, has worked for me.

let me say the icecream is not a great idea right. I'm kind of off that kick right now too. I just don't want anyone to think i'm advocating eating it.

i remember back in the 1990's reading an article in one of those gay ass mags about craig titus eating icecream in the off season to get bigger. thats horse shit. i eat it cause it taste good. thats it.

ICECREAM!!!!!! :40oz:
Took weekend off from lifting. Did a little bit of cardio. Bumped the aromasin to 25mg qday due to the increase in water weight.
Alright did some chest today.

Flat bench
407.5 x2 417.5 x1 225x30 for shits

and yea i included the weight of the collars . This is the first time ive got 4 plates on flat bench so pretty fuckin happy about that. i came home smelling of MANROMA and did feel like VERY IMPORTANT BIEBER, at least manroma of a vegetarian, maybe not RJ manroma or glub manroma or 275 21 inch arm 3J manroma but you get my drift.

incline bench 275x8x8x8


did little bit of biceps like 4 sets. done

Shoulders felt pretty good actually. Not good enough to do 12 sets for chest, just did the 3 work sets on flat bench and 3 sort of work sets incline and then fucked around on some flys for shits and to look at some ass in the corner and that was it.

weight did go down, think i'm responding good to the aromasin. down to 264 from high of 267. Feel good at this weight. not so puffy.

I think i'll drop back down to 12.5 or maybe 25 mg eod again and just keep that up.

Also I ordered up 4 grams of sciroxx NPP from a new source. pending how long it takes to get here i'll run it for last 6 weeks. If it doesnt get here by week 10 then will not run.
WAS a fag? :D

listen, we aren't 20 anymore, stop trying to keep up with that high volume bullshit. Especially someone who eats pine bark. lol

I'll be keeping an eye on this as i am very curious about the whole vagatarian way of life in regards to muscle building.

btw, you got PM.

I dont eat meat ether! i havent for like 8 years or so. but over lets say the last 4 years iv put on 40-50lb and lost some fat , so it is doable. gains are a BIT slower now (at first 12 lb wa snice but now im happy with 8-10lb a year, not counting water ect.) after lifteing for yrs, but they are comming stedy.

i do take in like 150-200g protien from whey then 40-100g from food daily.
gotta watch your fats also.
add it in everywhere u can like olive oil and nutz
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I dont eat meat ether! i havent for like 8 years or so. but over lets say the last 4 years iv put on 40-50lb and lost some fat , so it is doable. gains are a BIT slower now (at first 12 lb wa snice but now im happy with 8-10lb a year, not counting water ect.) after lifteing for yrs, but they are comming stedy.

i do take in like 150-200g protine from whey then 40-100g from food daily.
gotta watch your fats also.
add it in everywhere u can like olive oil and nutz

NICE! good to hear i'm not the only one. I grew up veggie so dont know what i';m missing but dont think it is much.

Yea man i love the fats. I age half a tub of hummos with pine nuts last night, about 500 calories by itself. Also do alot of almonds and do take fish oil. ive never had an issue gaining weight or keeping it on. or losing it when needeed for that matter.
NICE! good to hear i'm not the only one. I grew up veggie so dont know what i';m missing but dont think it is much.

Yea man i love the fats. I age half a tub of hummos with pine nuts last night, about 500 calories by itself. Also do alot of almonds and do take fish oil. ive never had an issue gaining weight or keeping it on. or losing it when needeed for that matter.
FUK I love it, ima get mine out soon too ate half the tub already lol. BTW i add oiliv oil to that also. :-P
I ate meat, never was much a fan of fish i stopped eating that at around 9-10yrsold and meat like when i was 14ish, and im from a Portuguese old school family (think, "my big fat greek wedding") I was born off portugal but all the older fam is from there, so ower diet is ALOT of fish and ALOT of meat and whatever veggies you might fit on the side of your plate. lol

but even mee i dotn miss it , your not missign much. only thing I do miss a bit is BACON! and i didnt even really eat pork when i was eating meat, but BACON man its good. but fuk it.

yahh good luck man , feel free to pm me if you think I can help with somthing, or you have some kind of question maybe i can help.
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