I feel like 3 days of partying has taken me back 6 months!!!


New member
So, memorial day wknd, summertime, what I have been training hard for came and passed. I am off all my gear, just running a little eq and HCG to get my guys back in order. I ate pretty well, despite the late night pizza and alchohal consumption. I did all my gear prior to summer because I knew that once summer came, I would want to party and I know my body can't handle both. However, I feel like shit, I feel like these 3 days of partying have taken me back 6 months in training. I feel flat, little vasucalarity, and genuilly not good. I feel it's just due to the fact that I have not partied in so long but am scared that my gains will wither away. How long does it take, even with good dieting 5 days a week, traioning hard in the gym, cardio in the am, for gains to slide away.
Youll be fine in a few days I think. Nothing seriouse. BUt I was wondering, why are your running EQ to get you guys working again. EQ qill suppress them.
Bimmer said:
Youll be fine in a few days I think. Nothing seriouse. BUt I was wondering, why are your running EQ to get you guys working again. EQ qill suppress them.
Exactley what I was thinking?
So you trained hard and used Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) only to shit it away in a few weeks time? So your the guy that disapears all summer and then brings his 120lb ass back when summer is over. Damn shame.
I party every weekend while im on gear...some may call me a moron but atleast im consistant. lol
i knew I would get flamed for this..the EQ is what I have left over, thought it would help keep me vascular, been on for 16 weeks and have 3 left so might as well. I am in shape all year round, but, like to limit my Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) usage to a time where it will show, summer time. I train hard as hell and diet all year round but, like to step it up a notch for the summer months. I am also at the gym tiwce a day, both off and on doing cardio and lifting, I have no problem with size, it's getting the fat off thats a problem. Sorry, little pissed about the 120lb comment but hey, part of the board I guess. I tried partying once while on, horrible, I felt soo terrible and the synergy of all the toxins in my system wiped me out. So, I save the party when I am off.
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While on I go and party but that dont mean I have to get shitfaced, I guess its a part of being accepted , I went out to the club the other night and I was the only fool walking around with waters constantly. I might have a Budlight but thats where it ends. Whenever I go out the bartender just grabs me a water and Im good. YUP Water , thats my drink.
When I go out I go to clubs that offer tap water, i cant even afford bottled water right now. I am broke and proud. As far as getting shitty while on gear, it would not ever happen here
How much EQ are you taking? Make sure its high enough to give you an anabolic boost. If its too low, you'll just prolong your recovery and waste muscle.
if you have 3 more weeks of eq, your boys aren't in the picture for another 6 weeks.

After a weekend of partying, you are probably just dehydrated. spend a week eating and training right, and you will get whatever look you had before the partying back.
It kills me that somebody would choose partying over an awesome looking body for the summer.

I guess it just comes down to priorities!

Good luck.
I appreciate the insight...I have a house down the beach for summer and honestly, when I train hard, am on my gear, I like to stay in, eat right, get to bed early, when I do it I do it right...I worked hard and sacrificed much on the social scene to get to where I am, I also work seventy hours a week, at the gym twice a day, up at 5 home at 10..and feel that I need a night or two a week where I cut lose...is the two nights of some drinks and late night food going to throw me completely off? I'm about 10% bf right now, if I was 5 and competeting I could see how it could change that. I dont want to throw away my hard work, I busted my to look how I do and want to at least maintain. My strength is the same, it just seems my body is very sensitive to spikes in my nutrition intake. Im 23 years old, need to have some fun, but yes, like you said, it comes down to priorities, how I look is number 1, but also enjoying yourself after a long weeks work is another one as well
I only drink on special occasions but Pedialyte works better than Gatorade for hangovers or feeling like shit in general after drinking. You should try that.
I have a beer after work if it was a hard day, Man I think that it is good for us to go out and party and eat completely shitty for one day. I did after finals this year. I did a 14 week cutting diet and busted my ass for the summer after my goals were met I went out and had soem fun. I have one of those days about every 3 months and I dont feel that it holds me back at all.
if your not going to have fun once in a while, your in for a long and boring life. Training is very important but remember, Have fun and youll be a much more happy person.