I get drug tested, so what should I take???!


New member
I'm new to this forum, but I've been lifting hard and eatting right for about 3 years. And I wanted to take my strength to the next level.
Honestly I was thinking about taking arimadex, or maybe even nolvadex in hopes of increase of free test and lower estrogen my free test is currently at 11.39 ng/dl
and total test at 711 ng/dl.
As background my shbg level is 50 nmol/dl
igf-1 is at 192 ng/dl
dhea-sulfate is at 227.7 ug/dl
Estradiol E2 at 20.5 pg/ml

I want to increase my test and free test and lower estrogen but always pass drug test. What do you guys recommend? ? PH? Liquidex? Some supp I haven't heard of? .I'm taking D-AA, a multi, and DHEA 25 mg EOD.
Um there is no need for you to be taking anything to be honest with you, those levels look pretty good to me, good enough to have a healthy life and the ability to build some muscle.

And FYI a normal drug test, even a 12 panel UA will not test for steroids, the person testing you must SPECIFICALLY request you be tested for anabolic steroids for you to have any worry. The only issue some people run into it if they are taking any sort of stimulant based fat burner, those can trigger a false positive on a UA.
I was told my dhea level was low and my free and total test was low and was given by the Dr, DHEA 25 mg EOD. And thanks for the fast reply. Also I'm in a profession that tests for the generic streriods too. Y
youre levels look great bro.. why would you mess with them.. guys get on trt to get to levels like that
Yeah levels look good to me. Only thing I would consider to give you an extra boost if your not planning on using gear would be maybe hcgenerate and some sarms or peptides.
Second the sarms idea. Great results without destroying your hpta. If interested check out Sarmsearch and use code SIZZLE30 for 30% off