I guess I'm going to try my own power restart...have no idea at what I'm doing


New member
So, I've been in a complete mess for a whole year now...it's really getting difficult to wake up and face each day. I just want to feel normal again. The only protocol I see out there is Dr. Scallys...
2,500 ius of hcg rod for 16 days.
100 mgs of clomid 1-30 days.
20 mgs of tamoxifen 1-45 days.

I wished I had never gotten myself into this mess, it's ruined my life. I hope this will kickstart something.
Thanks for coming here to get help and guidance, these guys will do their best to guide you along and get you back on track. Please keep us posted. and please share your total stats, age, weight, cycle history etc. so you can get the best help.
You are basing this proposed blast and pct med on what ? Depression ? Low energy ?
When did you last use aas ?
Have u had any blood work done ?

I m not close to the sharpest knife in this drawer but to just hop on med s after 1 year of crappy feeling s and some stuff u read somewhere on a GNC box....
Wait till some one smart roll s in here...you DO need bloods and if you have been off for a year u may need TEST.
Halfwit, I really appreciate you responding and I certainly respect your knowledge. I don't like being on trt, it doesn't make me feel any better, I can't get right on it. I need to be able to move on with my life and I'm unable to at this point. I'm stuck in this horrendous nightmare. I can't even be around anybody, can't find employment because of my mental and physical state. My whole manhood area has shrunk to childlike proportions, I have no nuts and my penis has shriveled to nothing...it feels I have nothing. The longer I inject testosterone the less chance I have at recovering. I just wished someone that is very knowledgeable on a power restart could give me suggestions on what to do. I'm close to ending my life because I'm loosing all hope.
I've pretty much said all that I can. However, your penis CANNOT shrink due to AAS, so that's in your head. (medical fact)

I have always had zero desire to come off TRT (I can't), as everything in my life has increased by leaps and bounds with respect to quality. Therefore, I can't advise you further than I have.

Suicide is something I take very seriously, and you require professional assistance if this is a recurring thought going on in your head. Please seek help, as there's NOTHING in this world beyond being a vegetable that (IMHO) would deem it even remotely necessary.
I understand. The one thing I've read is when estrogen goes low it can damage collagen levels...when my test tanked, so did my estrogen. This caused my skin to change on my arms, legs thighs and calves...and it's harmful on the arteries...which I believe hurt my arteries or veins in penis...just watch I've read...my cardiovascular issues came when my endocrine system crashed and it caused my estrogen to become extinct...it rose from the test...but then it went high...I just know I'm all out of whack...AAS has been the devil for me...that's the only reason I want to try a restart. Thanks halfwit
Even if the restart works, a proper TRT dose will (almost undoubtedly) leave you feeling better than wherever that restart puts your natural test levels. Also, there is no garuntee that a restart will work.

You can live a happy healthy life on TRT. Many of us do. You have to get the protocol and your levels optimized before you can say that it isn't for you. Best of luck. Keep us posted.
Man usually the stories are how someone in going to conquer the world not I'm worse. I cruise . I am not on prescribed TRT but my dose is low probably similar . I actually feel better on my cruise dose than on full blast . I have done the power blast with success . The problem is in your state of mind 100 mg of clomid may make it worse . When I did it on week 4 I dropped to 50 mg . I didn't want anyone around or didn't want to go around anyone . I do not have the knowledge some of these guys have and my situations are personal experience . Just wondering , If you were put on TRT by a Dr . why would you think the powerblast would correct low t .
I was just reading this post. Were you taking anything else besides AAS. If you don't wanna share publicly. Shoot me a PM I'm just curious if AAS was the only thing going in your body. Could be other things with the way you feel. I'm not a doctor or anything I've dealt with family and friends dealing with everything across the bored. I know what it feels like to be down and out. If there is Anything I can do to help. Just ask.
I tried to pm you BigPappaBear but it wouldn't allow me.

I wasn't taking anything else...only AAS. I smoked weed occasionally but that's it...not even a drinker...it's my hormones, plus all the other stuff I did. It's aged me bad...my skin went from smooth to alligator in span of months...that's how bad it's been...it's a horrific nightmare...I just want to be off trt...have my hormones balance out, produce test on my own....just want to be normal...then I have to work on the rest of my life.
I understand. The one thing I've read is when estrogen goes low it can damage collagen levels...when my test tanked, so did my estrogen. This caused my skin to change on my arms, legs thighs and calves...and it's harmful on the arteries...which I believe hurt my arteries or veins in penis...just watch I've read...my cardiovascular issues came when my endocrine system crashed and it caused my estrogen to become extinct...it rose from the test...but then it went high...I just know I'm all out of whack...AAS has been the devil for me...that's the only reason I want to try a restart. Thanks halfwit

Well, I spent ten years hypogonadal and my dick didn't shrink. I had the "dicky doo disease"; where your gut sticks out further than your dicky do. That's just body fat though, which is one of the many things our bodies rely on testosterone for.

I just think you're all over the place, and have demonized the one thing that can help bring you out of this slump. But I can't make you understand, you'll likely have to see it for yourself.

Just hang in there man, life can't shit on you forever. I'm living proof of it. :)
I want to be normal again and have my body produce its own tests as well. That's never going to happen though, because my body is broken and doesn't produce enough test on its own.

I will never go back to the way I was. Get yourself a different doctor and see what he says about your testosterone levels.
Link to more details: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...ashing-my-life-has-been-living-hell-over.html

OP: I still think this is the absolutely worst possible time to try to change hormones as you're under a tremendous amount of stress from life. I'm sticking with my advice in that you should ride things out while on TRT, then if you decide you want to try a restart once the smoke has settled you'll have far better odds of recovery.

My .02c :)

This is the same advice I gave the guy when he posted on Meso. get your body used to a TRT dose, when that is running smoothly you can decide to try coming off completely. You have blamed test and tren on all of your problems and want to drop them completely. I think a healthy dose of test is what you need, it was the abuse of the compound that got you into this mess.
it can take a little time to workout hrt with blood work etc, but in long run this is the way to go if you have low natty T levels... do research on the health issues on that.
I mean this in nicest way: your looking for a quick solution to your life issues and possibly in the wrong area....
if you have low T then it can take months- a year to fully workout the best protocol for you. doing a restart will likely not fix a thing. even with normal test levels pre cycle there is no guarantee to be full back to those levels, though often people bounce back, now with already low T and being on hrt... well even less chance.
im not saying dont try it at all and run a long run of serms after a little hcg use, im saying you might go through more hell doing at this moment in your life... i would rec it down the line if anything, when things are settled. if you cant get back to near normal levels then and require HRT it will be the same case now as well IMO
doing this now will put you on even more of a roller coaster, like people on pct, they feel allover the place..
I agree with halfwit on holding off in your case.
I would do a few more blood work over the weeks/months and workout your AI and test dose

also ass a tool and growth (not fix or to be used as a longterm bandaid) i would rec 1-3 servings of kavakava every day> i use kavabyrex (google) strain V3 Premium kava

and maybe this could be of come help as well, please give it a listen>
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