it can take a little time to workout hrt with blood work etc, but in long run this is the way to go if you have low natty T levels... do research on the health issues on that.
I mean this in nicest way: your looking for a quick solution to your life issues and possibly in the wrong area....
if you have low T then it can take months- a year to fully workout the best protocol for you. doing a restart will likely not fix a thing. even with normal test levels pre cycle there is no guarantee to be full back to those levels, though often people bounce back, now with already low T and being on hrt... well even less chance.
im not saying dont try it at all and run a long run of serms after a little hcg use, im saying you might go through more hell doing at this moment in your life... i would rec it down the line if anything, when things are settled. if you cant get back to near normal levels then and require HRT it will be the same case now as well IMO
doing this now will put you on even more of a roller coaster, like people on pct, they feel allover the place..
I agree with halfwit on holding off in your case.
I would do a few more blood work over the weeks/months and workout your AI and test dose
also ass a tool and growth (not fix or to be used as a longterm bandaid) i would rec 1-3 servings of kavakava every day> i use kavabyrex (google) strain V3 Premium kava
and maybe this could be of come help as well, please give it a listen>
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