Thanks for taking the time to get that down with the lab results. I know a lot of it looks like gibberish, but we can walk through the important parts.
For starters, the hemoglobin/hematocrit jump out at me. It's good that you donated, but you will want to donate again once you can. This will take some of the pressure off your cardiovascular system.
Your testosterone is clinically at a good range, but the question I have is, do you FEEL (troubles aside) good? I'm talking about the symptoms that got you on TRT in the first place. I personally was at the upper 400's while dialing in my TRT, and I still felt 'off'. It wasn't until I broke 750ng/dL that I started feeling much better. This tells me that your dose may be off a hair.
The next one that jumps out is your estradiol. It's high, and I suspect that your doc doesn't have you on an aromatase inhibitor (arimidex/aromasin/letrozole) to combat this. You have two options here to try to bring it down; introduce an AI (especially if you increase your test dose), or start injecting twice a week at E3.5D intervals (3 days for one, 4 for the other). This will give smaller peaks and troughs, which will drop down that estradiol - which is just as important as the testosterone.
TSH is the hormone sent by your brain to your thyroid gland. While it's not the end-all-be-all metric to determine thyroid issues, your TSH looks pretty good. If you were at 3.00miu, I'd suspect underlying thyroid issues on top of low T, but that doesn't seem the case.
What is your protocol currently? I'm thinking every 7-10 days at 100mg, but as we all respond differently, it's hard to guess accurately. Does your doc have you on an AI or HCG? These are important to your overall health. I think bringing that test up and estradiol down will solve the hormone part of this puzzle.
You can try a restart if you want to go try, but given your fragile state, that's a REALLY bad idea. Emotions are amplified by hormones (and lack thereof), and coming down to REALLY low testosterone levels will be a crushing blow to an already trying situation.
You can try speaking to a qualified psychologist to help bring you through this depression, and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with doing so. I have faced similar trying times in my life, and have been at that point where I was reaching out desperately for a life preserver. Thankfully I found one through friends, and even consulted with a professional as suicide was an option I had looked at. I know how grim things can look when your entire life is turned upside down, but I promise that there is a light at the end of that tunnel.
You also have one of the best therapeutic options available to you. The gym. I cannot overstate how much the gym has saved me from making huge mistakes as I take all my frustration/anger/grief/rage/devastating sadness out on that iron. Hell, even cardio can release some tension, and those post workout endorphins help so much to bring spirits up.
Hang in there man, I know how hard and impossible things can seem, but it's TEMPORARY - and you will move forward in time, I promise. Stick around, there are TONS of guys here that have been through trying times, and there's quite the brotherhood here where we all can help out in our own ways. There's an off topic forum even, if you just want to shoot the shit.
Get better and keep fighting. Giving up is for the weak and powerless. We'll be here if you need us.