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I am experiencing the worse point in my life...I'm 41 yrs old, almost 42...I went through a relationship loss and job loss at same time last year and stopped aas cold turkey. I did not educate myself like I should've regarding aas usage...I started training around 14 and trained until 26 that point I started using juice. I used until around 33 not really cycling...just doing some and the stopping with no pct...took a break from gym for about 5 yrs and no aas. When I was 37 I started training again and took test email 500 mgs a week along with tren e 500 mgs a week with no breaks for 3 yrs...very freaking stupid, I pct or hcg during usage. I abruptly stopped last Sept cold turkey because of relationship loss and job loss caused me depression. The rest is history...test levels went down to 68...never came back up...had to start trt about two months ago but it feels like shit. I want to do a hard core please...I can't live on trt...I've got 30 ius of hcg, plenty of clomid and tamoxifen...all pharma...low energy, depression, anxiety, bone and hoping fucking libido...balls hurt, shrunk, caused aging skin, cardiovascular's a death sentence...I've just want to start a hard restart see what happens before I die... I have no life now...can't work or find sociable or anything
Im probably gonna regret posting this but Let me tell you something brother, I had a stroke last year in the core of my brain, a fluke that caused a chain reaction of shit, brought the worst memories of my life to the surface. I stopped eating and did not sleep for 11 days straight. My digestive system started shutting down.. Dick wasn't working half the time. I visited my ex fiancé who talked me into leaving my wife for her only to have her cheat on me. My wife asked me to come home only to have my sister get drunk and have me arrested for shoving her off of me. Judge wouldn't allow me to see or talk to my family for months. I dropped to 154lbs, kidneys were shutting down, I was pissing blood. I got so bad at one point I could walk a cross a room without being dizzy. There I was, alone, broken in every way possible. That was a year ago this week. Today I'm bigger and stronger than I've ever been, mentally stable most days but when those bad days happen I go to the gym and take it out on the weights. It gets better man.
Do the trt until a good doc or one of these guys can help straighten you out. Most doc know nothing about trt, go to that section of the forum. My brother and brother in law are both on trt and they had to tell their docs to split the doses. If he is is not dividing your doses up to at least a shot a week say something to him. Test cypionate has a half life of like 8 days. Means you feel good for a week then crash for the other 3 weeks. Get your hormones in balance so you can get yourself emotionally stable. Then take the next steps. It's a lot easier to think straight when you aren't drowning.