i just started gym need help with diet


New member
I am 23
Weight 120 lbs
Height 5.5

My diet is a mess I just eat anything whenever am hungry
I want to get it strict and need help.
At 7am get me cereal with milk
At10am chips or bread with ham
At12pm spaghetti or rice and fish or tortillas with cheese and rice
At 5pm i drink a glass of milk and eat bread or any snacks o find
I eat at 9pm chicken with rice and beans with banana chicken or steak

I know how I eat sucks big time, but now that I am getting into weight lifting
I wanna eat healthier and put up some pounds like 160; it wont be accomplished
If I keep eating like thay. I need help On how and what to eat, am not educates on that
but i can do it with your help ,I am all ears on this. Thanks in advance and cheers.
start counting calories.

calculate your maintenance using 3js calculator in teh stickies.

eat at a 40/40/20 ratio of pro/carbs/fats.

if you ever stop gaining weight, up the calories.

its that simple.
I guess i have to writte down on a paper thcalories am eating to see of it is more than am eating
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start counting calories.

calculate your maintenance using 3js calculator in teh stickies.

eat at a 40/40/20 ratio of pro/carbs/fats.

if you ever stop gaining weight, up the calories.

its that simple.

not that simple but a start.
keep protein high, and if you add cals after a certian point, make it fats and protein mostly. alot of tweeks to learn. but the above is a start.