i made my tren but have question....


New member
when it was filtering through the coffee filter it got tipped over. not sure exactly how much was lost. it was a decent amt though. i did a 4g 2 cart kit.

when i filtered through the whatman, i got only 32 cc's of tren. i set aside 5 cc's of oil in the 5 cc syringe and only pushed through 3 to make it 35 mls.

my question is, did i lose potency when it was tipped over when i was filtering the sediment through the coffee filter? according to the table posted for 3% conversion it should be about 110 mg/ml.

can you tell by this info what the mg/ml would be?
Well when you had it mixed, before spilling, since you with held 5ml's of oil it would have been approx 83mg/ml. Then you filtered it, and got 32ml's at approx 83mg/ml.

OK....now 32x83=2656mg's total that you have in that bottle (you lost quite a bit when you spilled) so now you add 3ml's of oil, which would bring your concentration down to approx 75.88mg/ml.

Now this estimate is only acurate if you used one of my kits, as I can calculate how much oil, and solvent there is in it.
i got the kit from kitsnmore if that helps. how much do you put in your kits? i can't find on the site how much oil they put in theirs, so i'll try & email em.

thank you for your help. i really appreciate it. i will be looking you up when it's time to order my next kit.