I'm trying to drop down to 10%BF or lower. I know it is all in the diet but right now it sucks! Right now my BF is at 15% or so. Just where you can see the ab outline. I am 6'2 and 231lbs. I don't eat red meat or pork. So my diet is based off poultry and seafood. I do pt 5 days a week every morning. 3 of those five days are actually cardio with the other 2 being plyometrics. I also have football practice after work 5 days a week. I would like to still do weight training at least 4 days on top of this. As you all can see I'm a very active and busy person. Do you all have any suggestions on diet for a cut? Like an example of macros and micros? I am also one of those people who can eat the same stuff every day. Also have test E and ECA to go with this journey. Sorry for the long post and thanks.