I think i got fudged!


New member
i believe my research chemicals got clipped at customs.....first time around through a really reputatable comp, and it gets clipped!


THought id vent out here...
because my package has been in toronto for the last two days...and it says "possible connection delay" in the status area of the websheet
I don't know if that's enough time to sweat it. You might still be ok, I'll cross my fingers for you.

If you want additional solace, you might find it in pullinbig's arms. Just a thought.
haha i dunno if i trust pullinbig's solace....considering his avatar....but i do think we can find another solar system around his arms...
customs can take up to 2 weeks to process stuff. be patient grass hopper.

now if your face gets cold i got a tested up large lady who will do a nasty on ya and quick. you game wee one?
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I know who you used for your stuff and I have never had any trouble with them.

I have also found that the tracking service they use is really slow. When my package showed up at my house I tracked it an hour before and it was on the other side of the world.

How long have you been waiting since the day they said they shipped?
well they said they shipped on thurs (which i think is fri morn in their times...), so....ive been waiting for about 4 days, but its been stuck in Toronto for 2 days now on a delay.....and it had like bunch of exclamation marks beside the parcel number and so forth...it was just a shock to see the way it was set up...
and PB...does ur tested up woman make trips to canada? the cold weather will do her good on the nips....i love hard nips....

More cushin' for the Pushin' !!!
she's in canada.

hey a word of caution. if you stuff ever does get seized make sure to use a diff mailing addy after that. and after that and after that and after that.
post office boxes work best. if it gets seized jus get another box number. tell the worker you need a differnt size box. or you need one higher up cuas eyou girl friend has trouble bending over. you get the idea. or go to another PO. unless they doin fedx cause they dont do PO boxes.