I think I just broke my freakin finger....


New member

20 MIN into my work out and my finger is broke!!!!!!!!

I was getting ready to lay down on the flat bench with 65lb dumbells, well I had one on the right knee and the other on the left knee....and as I was about to lay down some freakin dush-bag brushed against my right side.....as I was in the motion of laying down and hoisting the dumbells into place.....well needless to say it threw my right side off balance and the dumbell vered to the left... it stopped when my left ring finger caught it................ouch!!!! WTF... it got slammed by the 65lb weight right up against the bar that you hold!!!!!!

I tried to ignor the pain so that I could at least finish my work out,,,but that did not happen....I did one set with my hands wrapped tightly around the bars...but when I went to knock out another set my finger would not bend......

I'm pissed...20min...I will try to rest it and go back again and finish chest on wensday....what a bummer
Sorry to hear that. Just put it in a splint and you'll be fine. You won't have as good of a grip but you can still train. Brent Mikesell has the squat world record and he's missing a couple fingers.
i broke a knucle several weeks ago racking 515 on the bench. i use a wide grip so there is only about a 1/2 of play on both sides when racking and i missed. ouch.
it sux bro...I splinted it with a small popsickle stick, and taped it to my middle finger....I can't wait to work out now,,,...I'll look like such a gimp...especialy trying to grip with two fingers sticking straight out in the air...lol
Sucks to hear about your injury but you should be icing it as well. Don't ice it for longer than 10 minutes and an ice bath would be best because it would be hard to get the area directly with an ice pack.
footballstar.....that did not make any sense whatsoever.....and who the hell puts nails in their fingers when its broken.....