I thought i was going to die!


New member
So last night I was injecting myself with a Test Cyp/ Tren combo in the glutes when immediately after finishing, my temperature shot up 10 degrees and I started sweating profusely. And talk about Tren cough, I was coughing so hard, I could not breath and nearly fell on the floor. It felt like my lungs were filling up with fluid. I could taste alcohol in my mouth and smell it in my nose as if I snorted it. I then crawled up stairs to lay on a couch. After 45 minutes things seemed to calm down.

I did not aspirate the needle prior to injecting because with it in my rear I cannot see the needle anyway. Holy shit that was scary. Here it is the next day and I still have a little cough.
Sounds like you may have hit a vein....
How do you not asiprate? I inject my rear and can see the needle no prob. Doing in the bathroom with a mirror helps a lot
Make sure your needle is long enough depends how lean you are 1.5 inch for glutes if not lean. And don't worry it happens once in awhile you won't die and welcome to the tren side.
Actually there was just a conversation in another thread recently about how aspirating really isn't recommended anymore. So, this an instance where aspirating may have saved an issue from happening. Be real careful where you're injecting.
Almost impossible to inject straight in a vein on glutes it's his technique or just one of those things only takes a drop to get in blood stream directly and the cough happens.
Almost impossible to inject straight in a vein on glutes it's his technique or just one of those things only takes a drop to get in blood stream directly and the cough happens.

I agree I think he's not injecting in the right quadrant. If the needle is so far behind you that you can't see it, you're either way off as far as location, or you really have limited mobility, and need to work on that. Looking at mine I'm not turned much more than turning to the side. It should be the upper outer glute.
come to think about it I used to go WAY too far to the back when I first started that's probably the problem you should barely have to even turn your arms to inject
thanks for the replies guys. Maybe I am going to far back. This is my 3rd cycle and I am in week 11. I will not go so far back next time believe me. That was one ugly ride and do not want to do that again.
Actually there was just a conversation in another thread recently about how aspirating really isn't recommended anymore. So, this an instance where aspirating may have saved an issue from happening. Be real careful where you're injecting.

Hasn't been for awhile actually.

I knew I was going to read about tren cough by the title! :wiggle:

If it helps, tren cough is just one of those rites of passage that we all go through. I have been medically trained on how to do injections, and have still gotten it - just unlucky sometimes. (although technique and proper site selection do help)

My .02c :)
Same for me, you cannot know when you re going to get it...
I get same symptoms, but add to that the feeling of being pierced by a hundred nails all over ... pretty intense.

I have noticed over the years, it usually happens when i hit thru a vein.
Once in a while Tren hits me a little more than usual right after the injection.

I'v hit a vein twice, and the bitch was the second was right after the first... I did aspirate
and ended up injecting three times for the same syringe.

The cool thing was... once the blood flows into the syringe - it looks like a lava lamp. :D