I wanna try M1T


I've been reading a lot about m1t but before I even buy some I have a few questions if someone cud plz answer them it would be great.

I read the m1t faq thread, but I really do not understand anything in it.

1. What in addition to m1t do I have to buy? How much of each thing do I need to buy to last for 1 cycle?

2. What is PCT?

3. Does any other supplement counteract m1t, such as creatine...or is it fine to stack both? Wat about ZMA, fish oil, multivitmain?

4. Could someone plz list step by step what I need to buy and how much to take of it and when? I'm all new to this stuff so plz try and explain it as simply as possible...thx

5. Whats a good way to stop natural test production in my body from being shut down? What do I have to do, or buy to completely avoid this and still get gains?

If I have any other questions Ill just come back to this thread...thx a lot for now :)
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Well bro, i look at youre questions and i see that youre newb to training and diet!
Get the training right and Diet and sleep, u wont need any shit like pro hormones now! And start drinking protein shakes!

Pct is post cycle therapy.

You cant learn how to jump before you know how to walk !
Bast said:
Well bro, i look at youre questions and i see that youre newb to training and diet!
Get the training right and Diet and sleep, u wont need any shit like pro hormones now! And start drinking protein shakes!

Pct is post cycle therapy.

You cant learn how to jump before you know how to walk !

I'm not new to lifting or diet. I'm just new to prohormones. I've been seriously lifting for almost 2 years, and I have my diet in order. Im currently bulking. But it would be great if u guys cud answer my question...thx!
Ok then, ill answer what i know. But keep in mind i´d rather go with the real deal then that shit. AND i still think u need more time in the gym CLEAN. If youre diet and everything is good u still grow good.

1: Read it again and search for more threads, there are like 30 of m1t
2. post cycle therapy (pct) = Post Cycle Therapy
3. No
4. Again, search
5. Hcg
Thx a lot...btw what is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? And where can I get it?

After reading stuff here: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37127&highlight=m1t+question

I've planned out wat Im gonna do for my first cycle.

A 4 week cycle, 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off

(2 weeks 5mg M1T)(2 weeks PCT)
(2 weeks 10mg M1T) (2 weeks PCT)

PCT: 6OXO(if I can get Nolvadex I will use that, just gotta find somewhere to get it :( ), milk thistle & Lecithin granules 1 tablespoon

Hopefully I'll see some great gains without any sides. Is there anything flawed with my approach? I got the plan basically out of that thread I linked to, so if anyone has any improvements or suggestions plz tell me...id be glad to listen to any suggestions.
Bast said:
Ok then, ill answer what i know. But keep in mind i´d rather go with the real deal then that shit. AND i still think u need more time in the gym CLEAN. If youre diet and everything is good u still grow good.

1: Read it again and search for more threads, there are like 30 of m1t
2. post cycle therapy (pct) = Post Cycle Therapy
3. No
4. Again, search
5. Hcg

You can lead the horse to water but.......
Bast said:
Ok then, ill answer what i know. But keep in mind i´d rather go with the real deal then that shit. AND i still think u need more time in the gym CLEAN. If youre diet and everything is good u still grow good.

1: Read it again and search for more threads, there are like 30 of m1t
2. post cycle therapy (pct) = Post Cycle Therapy
3. No
4. Again, search
5. Hcg

HCG? The kid doesnt even know what post cycle therapy (pct) is.... Do u really think hes gonna find hcg bro. I would go wit the nolva. But thats jus me.
And i agree wit the part where u said " i´d rather go with the real deal then that shit"
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Aright, I basically got all my answers, and I'll be able to get Nolva so thats what Ill be using.

And I decided to change my plan to:

4 weeks 20mg M1T, milk thistle(1g/day), hawthorn berry
2 weeks PCT(nolva 1st weeks 20mg, 2nd week 40mg)

I figure if Im gonna try it might as well get the most out of it.
lineman60 said:
Aright, I basically got all my answers, and I'll be able to get Nolva so thats what Ill be using.

And I decided to change my plan to:

4 weeks 20mg M1T, milk thistle(1g/day), hawthorn berry
2 weeks PCT(nolva 1st weeks 20mg, 2nd week 40mg)

I figure if Im gonna try it might as well get the most out of it.

Just a quick question if I may.

How much research have you done on this?
Well I read a few threads about it. I've also read several articles against it. But really, it isn't even as powerful as the "real shit" as some poeple refer to it as. So if people can take that stuff and be fine, then I think I can take a cycle of M1T and be fine.

BTW, why exactly do you ask rubberduckyo?
lineman60 said:
In plain English?
I don't think you've utilized all the info that is available in order to make the best decisions on this. I think you should hold off and do some more research.

That's just my opinion.
Ok, but what exactly are you referring to that I might not know of. I mean I'm not trying to sound like I know everything, but what specifically am I missing?
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lineman60 said:
Ok, but what exactly are you referring to that I might not know of. I mean I'm not trying to sound like I know everything, but what specifically am I missing?

To start off with....how about the fact that you are only 17 and could fuck yourself up for life, other than that, no big deal.

Carry on !!
Shit are you only 17!!!!!!! I regret even trying to help u out.
Anyways bro, as they said, this shit can fuck u up bigtime! And its no joke as some ppl make it out to be and that it aint dangerous.

If you are 17 youre not even close to the amount of training and experiance that you need before u can read up on stuff and trying to know shit about it.
If youre 17 you really dont know anything about training and diet, or you wouldnt have asked this question to begin with.
Bast, thats rather accusatory. At 17 I had solid training years under my belt (I had a 58yr old strength and conditioning coach who had been through it all and knew his shit.)

Now, for my diet...that was terrible. I had no idea about anything other than EAT A LOT OF PROTEIN. So, to say he may know nothing about it is probobly wrong.

But, he does sound rather ignorant about M1T, I would agree with that. And, I would never advise him to take it. He needs to put his time into research like I am at the moment.

Im 19, and have been training for 5 years, and my diets in check. And I still think Im no where near ready for it.

You have to remember, lineman60, you are dealing with "steroids" here, I don't care if people call this stuff a Pro-Hormone....I know its not as good as the real deal, but its just, if not more, dangerous.
My diet is fine. I have been at abcbodybuilding.com for a while now and I have a pretty good understanding of what a good lifting diet should be like. At the moment im on a clean bulk like I said and am getting about 4000 calories per day. My maintenance is 3800 so the extra 200 calories is all I have to work with.

Now, what are some examples of what could happen to me if I did try M1T...in the long run? And if I was still gonna do it, what would you guys recommend to me to make it as safe as possible(in terms of cycle duration, dosages, etc.)? At least help me do that...thx
r3ver3nd: so u said it youreself, youre diet sucked?
But youre smart about it, youre 19, knowing alot more about youre body and have realised what good diet, sleep and good traing meens.

Anyways, the younger you are the more ignorant u are and the better you think u are. experiance and knowlage is everything in this game.

I say it again: The more you learn, the more you realise how little you acutally know. WORD