I want to add Tren-A to my current testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (blast and crews)


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I want to add Tren-A to my current TRT (blast and crews)

Was hoping some of the vets here could give me some input.

Age: 36 Height: 5'9" Weight: 165 lbs BF: 8-9%
Cycle History: In my 20's: Test-E, Sustanon250, EQ, Anavar, Dbal; never any issues with Gyno. Clean from 2004-2011. Due to low T, been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) since mid-2012
Training History: Not a BB; Small framed guy w/trouble keeping gains. Always been athletic and health conscience, wrkn out on/off since I was 14; consistently for past 4 yrs. Wt train 4d/wk, MMA 2d/wk
Eating Habits: Multi-Vitamins, Healthy High Protein (200g/day), low carb diet.
Goal: 185-200 lbs, 8-9%BF I would like some lean size; about 15 lb now and another 15 on my next blast cycle.

8 wk Blast Cycle: Test-C / Tren-A
wk 1-8 Test-C 250mg/wk
wk 1-8 Tren-A 50mg/eod
Litro (Not sure if I need it or how much)
Prami (Not sure if I need it or how much)
Then back to my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) of Test-C 200mg/wk untill my next blast
Not planning any post cycle therapy (pct) since I am already on TRT.

I've never had any issue with gyno or prolactin, and not sure if I need Litro or Prami since my doses are pretty low. There are so many mixed opinions regarding Tren and prolactin based gyno. I already have Liquid Letro on hand.

Are these doses too low to see results, or should I run this cycle longer? I'm not in a huge hurry, not to fond of stretch marks, but I don't want to be wasting my $$. I am anxious to get this started, but want to make sure I have everything in line first.
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if your going to tren then make it woth if 8 weeks, you will start to see a lot of changes then its over. start at 50 ed and see how u feel you can always bumb it up i stopped at 200 eod. was good for me. its all about feel.
Blasting at 250mg and cruising at 200mg is kinda like a cruise and cruise cycle. You need to up your blast to at least 500mg. Love your avi btw!
I have read on many different threads that you get more Tren related issues or sides with higher doses of Test. Is this true? Bcs I've never used Tren and dunno :dunno: how my body will react, I figured I would start my Tren low at 50mg eod and adjust from there. That’s also why I’m thinking of starting with my Test dose so low, since my Tren will be low. I don’t want to deal with too many sides.
What would your recommended dosages of Test & Tren be "for me"? Keep in mind I'm not in a hurry, and I don’t mind putting in the work at the gym. I'm only using the gear as an aid to get me to the next level.

Hulk squeeze!!
yes most people will get unwanted sides from high test low tren. only way to see how you will react is to try. 100 mg ED is where most people see good changes. but starting low first few weeks is a good idea.
I seem to get worse results with higher test and lower tren levels. To be fair though I had done multiple cycles by that time so I didn't grow at the rate I did during my first cycle.
If I want to keep my Test dose lower then my Tren, how do the two compare to each other. Is 300mg of Tren-A equivalent to 300mg of Test-C, and if so then I would just need to keep my Test-C less then 300mg/wk correct. I think I remember reading somewhere that the two are not equal; Tren is much stronger then Test.
So if am going to start with 300mg Tren-A/wk, what should my Test-C dose/wk be.
If I want to keep my Test dose lower then my Tren, how do the two compare to each other. Is 300mg of Tren-A equivalent to 300mg of Test-C, and if so then I would just need to keep my Test-C less then 300mg/wk correct. I think I remember reading somewhere that the two are not equal; Tren is much stronger then Test.
So if am going to start with 300mg Tren-A/wk, what should my Test-C dose/wk be.

125 test but once you know if tren is not going to make u crazy you will want to up it..
OK, thank you everyone for the recommendations so far. I am going to revise to:

wk 1-8 test-C 250mg/wk
wk 1-8 tren-A 100mg/eod
(I will up the Test and Tren a little each wk depending on how I feel)

What about Litro & Primi? Do I need to do both or just one? and how much?
The sides with high test are supposedly due to estrogen. Therefore wouldn't simply using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with high test be the same as low test without Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in terms of side effects?