I want to focus on my martial arts and not got any bigger or smaller, help


New member
I am about 245ish right now and don't want to get any bigger, but i would like to maintain my size. What kinda workout routine can i do and with what kind of frequency to maintain my muscle yet not interfere with my intense boxing and martial arts training that i do 3 to 4 times a week.

If I do full on workouts i am often too sore to get the most out of my intense martial arts training.

Please advise
I didn't say that. Obviously you need to tweak your training. You mentioned that you hired 3j. Why not run it past him?
have a hard time training to your potential in both weights and combat sports..

if you do either one properly, you're too wasted to make the effort with the other.

speaking from experience, with diet and gear on point
Are you recording your diet, weight training and martial arts training? If you do you can track want combination of the 3 works best with your body type. Worked for me. Good luck!