I Want To Give It 100% - Epistane Cycle Preview + 2 Questions


New member
Hello, I train about 7 years consistently and I am 26 years old and my goal is lean bulking.

3 years ago I tried my first cycle (RPN Havoc) and I was really satisfied! Problem was, that i lost all my gains after PCT which consists of Tamoxifen and DAA. I think one of the reasons it happned was not proper amount calories I was eating.
1,5 years ago I tried my second cycle (H-drol) and it was pretty good also. Not that DRY gains, but it was Ok.

Now I am considering running an Epistane cycle around winter time again, because I know how my body reacts to it. I have been reading a ton of threads about the cycle 3 years ago and also now, but seem to get confused between few things. First, here is my cycle plan:

1-6 Epistane (30/30/30/30/45/45)
1-6 Liv52 + Creatine + Fish Oil + Joint Support + CEL Cycle Assist

7-10 Nolva (20/20/10/10)
7-10 DAA (4g/4g/4g/4g)
7-10 Liv52 + Creatine + Fish Oil + Joint Support
7-10 ???

And my 2 questions:
1) I am thinking about taking Dermacrine during my cycle. Its worth it? I can live with a lethargy few days, like on my first cycle, so it is not main purpose, but there could be some "more gains" benefits, could not? Anyone who tried it with epi and can make some statement?

2) I am kinda paranoid about losing my gains again, so I am not sure about my PCT. Ye, the SERM will do more than enough, but is there any other product, which should help with keeping my gains? I read a lot about some AI product or OCT, but then I read posts on this forum and it seems like a non-logical/bad idea when I have Nolva on hand.
But I aslo read a lot of opinions, that I need cortisol control for keeping my gains and I should add to my PCT Retain2, MassFX or Lean Xtreme. And I read a lot about taking Ostarine SARM (20) during PCT, which could help too. Im kinda lost here guys :-( Want to give it 100% (ye, nutrition, calories will be on spot)

Thanks for advices!
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