I want to look like that guy. HELP!!!!!!


New member
Good Morning Brothers!

Here's My story.

Back in 2006 I was diagnosed with hypogonadism. I was placed on gels, then on injections and now on testopels. I barely if ever eat and when I do of course it's junk. I am so fed up with the way I look that I dont own any mirrors. I came down to the conclusion that it can't get any worst.
I have tried diets some work I lose wieght to only regain it all back and then some. I tried weightloss pills and nothing. My urologist thinks that it maybe negative sides of the testosterone? I don't get it. I see a bunch of guys here that are clearly doing 10 times the amount of roids i'm doing and they are not as fat as me. Now I have to be honest I don't exercise because I don't know what types of exercise to do for me. I make every attempt to go to the gym when I show up i say now what? I tried a trainner all he wants to do is make me do squats and bench press and shit like that. I asked 3 of them I have had and not one of them has ever been fat or as big as me... so how can they help me? When Im there i want to know what to do and how long to do it. How fast will I start to see results. I am exhausted, I think I have tried everything I can. I am now appealing to people who have much more experience than me.
I will try anything, do anything, follow whatever regimen to the T eat whatever it is you tell when you tell me, Follow every direction as it were gospel. I just Want to look like the guy in my attachment.
I know that at some point everyone on here has felt that they needed help. Let me tell you how narcissistic I am that I actually got diagnossed with the disorder. So for me to actually ask for help means I have come to a point in my life where I have accepted that you guys are way better at this than I am, and I need tons of help. Please serious responses.
you need to hire a cardio trainer and a nutrionalist.
thats your best bet and learn what they show you.
you will need weights in ther to help burn calories also so dont be shy to just watch some one and even ask for advise.
Good Morning Brothers!

Here's My story.

Back in 2006 I was diagnosed with hypogonadism. I was placed on gels, then on injections and now on testopels. I barely if ever eat and when I do of course it's junk. I am so fed up with the way I look that I dont own any mirrors. I came down to the conclusion that it can't get any worst............snip

First of all congratulations, I've seen a ton of big guys too embarrassed to go to the gym. Your only thought right now should be to get your diet in order. Whether you go to a dietician or someone on here like 3J. You need to get your bmr/tdee eat 6 or 7 meals a day, do some slow low impact early morning cardio.

The weight will eventually come off but you need to understand it's a lifestyle change not a few week/month fix.

Btw: post up your normal eating during the day and be honest. Try to write down everything you put in your mouth. That will help getting you on the right track.
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Agree with above comments. One favor though. When you reach your goal and have the body that guy does, please don't wear those gay ass shorts he's got on. lol
Weather you have a high test level or low diet can still make you fat and un healthy.
And a “DIET" isn’t a temp thing a “DIET" is a lifelong thing.
That why it has to be realistic and something that will be done daily.
It’s like this:
Not to many highly processed foods
Eat allot of veggies, FILL UP ON THESE.
Not too many carbs spesh at night time.
Drink lots of water.
Keep your diet high protein, med fats, and med carbs
Keep calorie intake at matinance or just below that for your body (only you can figure that out but obviously you’re above it right now.

For e.g. broccoli and cauliflower you can fill up on easily.
Allot make this mistake and try looking for all this "low fat" bullshit products due to bullshit propaganda.
Now don’t get me wrong some are bad like transfat and saturated fats you should try to stay away and keep amounts low, but fuk POUR in that olive oil into your soups and pasta sauces.

Take fish oil.

Cardio is good but DIET is the main thing.
For e.g. you eat 6 chocolate ship cookies that end up being 600 cals total.... well you can run for 2 hrs of just have avoided the bullthis to begin with.

Cardio is good for you but it’s not the main thing that going to make you loss fat (not much) it’s in the end diet.

Also go get your thyroid function checked if you haven’t already.
First off, I agree with you, at this point in time I dont think weight training is really what you need. I think you need to start eating right and doing a shit load of cardio. Walking in the morning, elliptical mid day and maybe a heavy clothed bike ride at night time. I really really dont think your QUITE at this point yet, but if all else fails look into bipass surgery, my grandmother was 350+ pounds and the weight was fucking up her legs to the point she couldnt walk. It's about 3 years later now, im not quite sure her weight but if I had to guess id say around 180. The surgery in conjunction with light cardio (couldnt do much with her legs/knees besides pool aerobics) gave her those superior results.
You are saying you'll do anything and everything but yet everything you have tried you have quit. To get any results you have to be CONSISTENT. Your first goal should be to see if you can stick with ANYTHING. Start small....see if you can eat 7 servings of vegetables daily for 2 weeks. Changing your whole entire lifestyle is difficult to do....you must do it one step at a time.

And you seem to have alot of excuses as well.....get rid of them. They aren't helping you.

And just because someone has never been as fat as you doesn't mean they can't help you. That is actually ridiculous. 3 personal trainers have given you advice and you wont' take it because they haven't been as fat as you? Guess what.....they haven't been as fat as you because they know what they are doing.
you are saying you'll do anything and everything but yet everything you have tried you have quit. To get any results you have to be consistent. Your first goal should be to see if you can stick with anything. Start small....see if you can eat 7 servings of vegetables daily for 2 weeks. Changing your whole entire lifestyle is difficult to do....you must do it one step at a time.

And you seem to have alot of excuses as well.....get rid of them. They aren't helping you.

And just because someone has never been as fat as you doesn't mean they can't help you. That is actually ridiculous. 3 personal trainers have given you advice and you wont' take it because they haven't been as fat as you? Guess what.....they haven't been as fat as you because they know what they are doing.

And just because someone has never been as fat as you doesn't mean they can't help you. That is actually ridiculous. 3 personal trainers have given you advice and you wont' take it because they haven't been as fat as you? Guess what.....they haven't been as fat as you because they know what they are doing.


You wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? While I don't disagree with a single thing you said, it comes off a bit harsh.

You wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? While I don't disagree with a single thing you said, it comes off a bit harsh.

its called tough love. and it works. most trainers quit training because they get tired of the excuses that people make, and after a while it becomes really annoying.

I know you said you agree, as do i, but on these boards especially its needed as most of the time people baby others as to not hurt their feelings and they go away with poor information.


a guy says he is 165lbs and wants to do a Dbol only cycle.

Most will say he needs to add test or do a test only cycle first. When they should be saying no cycle at all. He needs to eat.

The smallest difference in advice can make a huge difference.

btw, i wasn't saying you were wrong, I'm just an asshole. lol

You wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? While I don't disagree with a single thing you said, it comes off a bit harsh.

Tough love. This guy needs it. We can't coddle all newbies. This guy has been through the ropes. After umpteen times it's time somebody get "real" with him.
btw, i wasn't saying you were wrong, I'm just an asshole. lol

Not an asshole at all, I value your opinion and your posts. I understand the tough love.....

I just hate to see bigger guys get discouraged ( I was one of those guys) it takes a lot of courage for some of these people to get to the gym and even more to post here. But in the end if anything works it's worth it.
We definitely don't want to discourage him! And if he had come here brand new without a clue to do we would help him.

But him telling us he's been through 3 personal trainers and has dropped them for a stupid reason, indicates he only wants to lose weight on his terms.
Ive read EVERYTHING everyone has said an what not. but not to say the guy is lying or anything, cause he could be saying the truth. my grandmother couldnt loose weight to save her life. and she is a dedicated, strong woman. some people its just in there genes.

if dieting, even a light work out(such as walking on the tredmill working up to a mile, 2 miles 3 miles etc etc..., go swimming atleast something to keep active), doesnt help... maybe you need to talk to a dr about it. i know there are medications to suppress eating habits. but that is a last resort.

also... if the trainers want to start you off at a certain spot of the body, maybe its in there procedure of getting things started. they were trained an went through alot of knowledge to be able to teach and pass on the information. do what they say to every tooth. and if you think something is wrong, ask them and they will inform you. after your tired and worn out from there work out. you push yourself even more, to the point where you want to throw up to get on a tredmill an walk atleast a good decent distance.
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i should post up an old picture of myself before i started training and making changes in my life... i didn't look much diff then the OP.. i might have had more muscle cuz i loved lifting.. i hated cardio.. and i knew nothing about dieting..

knowledge here is power guys.. knowledge and the will to apply it..