I was just wanting a bit of advice I have only been training a few month


New member
Hello mate I was just wanting a bit of advice I have only been training a few month I was taking 50mg anavar daily would I be ok to start taking trenabol injections just to bulk a little bit ore is it to soon
Moved to proper forum. Please post your own thread next time instead of posting on someone elses log.
Hello mate I was just wanting a bit of advice I have only been training a few month I was taking 50mg anavar daily would I be ok to start taking trenabol injections just to bulk a little bit ore is it to soon

Nope. You're doing it wrong bud.

Check the FAQ sticky at the top of the AAS forum. :)
Anavar only? Now u want to hop on the tren train?
Bro take a step back, couple of steps actually, get on pct so you wont mess up ur hpta even more than it already is. Next, get a diet coach and work out consistently. Once u u know what u r doing in the gym, come back here and read up on how to do a proper cycle.
Oh My! NO NO NO NO NO! Tren is only for the very experienced - and many experienced people say you it is the devil.
Only a few months u been training? I really don't deny AAS use for much people like most guys on this board would state it is wrong to do at certain ages below 25, but it's another thing to be using them when ur still learning your body and the basic works of the gym and diet. I would prob get off the anavar and run a basic PCT and train for maybe a year and understand more, then come back with a 500mg test cycle at the least.