Identify Test vs deca


New member
Ok guys so i got three bags from a source: One 50g bag, one 200g bag, and another 50g bag.

I was supposed to receive 250 grams of test enanthate and 50 of nandrolone decanote but it looks like i got the opposite - 250 grams of nandrolone decanote and 50 grams of test enanthate.

The bottom right bag is what i assume to be test E, and what i have ALWAYS seen as test E. The big bag to the left and the other 50g bag on the top right is what i assume to be deca.

My source swears he sent me the right order (250g test, 50 deca). But, this goes against everything ive seen. As the picture shows the big 200g bag (left) and the top 50 g bag (rop right) are a light brownish color compared to the bottom right 50 g bag, which is a white color.

Obviously both have melted and reformed as a solid wax chuck before i received the package.

I melted them down and the brownish substance (top right and big bag on left) turned into a dark golden brownish liquid, while the bottom right substance melted almost clear, it also solidified quicker at room temperature then the brownish substance did. (which would make sense as test E's melting point is higher than decas)

This leads me to believe that my order did get screwed up and i actually do have 250g of deca and 50 test e.

What do you guys think?

Im always used to deca melting into a dark brown liquid and test e melting into a clear liquid. Has ANYONE seen deca melt into a clearer liquid than test E? I haven't, but my buddy is telling me he has.
I would think the same way you do, and have in the past. But one thing I have learned is you can't always tell a substance by what you're used to seeing in the past. Stuff I've ordered sometimes looks completely different than what people have posted here, and even from stuff I've ordered recently.
For instance, I have some recently ordered test E and it looks different than yours. Mine is chalky white, even in brick form from melting and solidifying again. The last batch of test I got was more of a yellow brown.

Since the melting point of Test E and deca are almost the same, it's going to be hard to determine it that way.

TESTOSTERONE enanthate- 4-ANDROSTEN-17b-OL-3-ONE 17-enanthate
melting point=32-36C
molecular weight=400.61
rotation= +84 C=1 CHCL3

nandrolone decanoate- 4-ESTREN-17b-OL-3-ONE 17-decanoate
melting point= 30-35C
molecular weight= 428.63

I would send that pic to your source and ask him to confirm again. If he stands by his claim, then I would assume you are good.
I would think the same way you do, and have in the past. But one thing I have learned is you can't always tell a substance by what you're used to seeing in the past. Stuff I've ordered sometimes looks completely different than what people have posted here, and even from stuff I've ordered recently.
For instance, I have some recently ordered test E and it looks different than yours. Mine is chalky white, even in brick form from melting and solidifying again. The last batch of test I got was more of a yellow brown.

Since the melting point of Test E and deca are almost the same, it's going to be hard to determine it that way.

TESTOSTERONE enanthate- 4-ANDROSTEN-17b-OL-3-ONE 17-enanthate
melting point=32-36C
molecular weight=400.61
rotation= +84 C=1 CHCL3

nandrolone decanoate- 4-ESTREN-17b-OL-3-ONE 17-decanoate
melting point= 30-35C
molecular weight= 428.63

I would send that pic to your source and ask him to confirm again. If he stands by his claim, then I would assume you are good.

Yeah, i did send it to him. He said he cant really tell by the pic. Problem is he isnt the one sending out the powders anyways, he just processes the order, more or less (not really wanting to break any forum rules here without getting into detail). Its a little bit difficult to get in touch with the factory it comes from, but ive asked him to ask them to send me a pic of their deca so i can verify.

Yes, the melting points are very close but, since the melting point = freezing point, what i did instead was melted them down and then let them sit at room temperature. Test E should freeze back into a waxy chunk first (melting/freezing point 90-96 F) and the deca should freeze shortly after that (melting/freezing point around 89-95).

Anyways according to my little test it seems that the white/off white substance in the lower right hand corner of my picture is test enanthate; and infact my order did get screwed up.

Are you guys used to deca having a darker color to it than test E? (of course, i am talking about deca and test E received from the same source - for an accurate comparision)
Yeah, i did send it to him. He said he cant really tell by the pic. Problem is he isnt the one sending out the powders anyways, he just processes the order, more or less (not really wanting to break any forum rules here without getting into detail). Its a little bit difficult to get in touch with the factory it comes from, but ive asked him to ask them to send me a pic of their deca so i can verify.

Yes, the melting points are very close but, since the melting point = freezing point, what i did instead was melted them down and then let them sit at room temperature. Test E should freeze back into a waxy chunk first (melting/freezing point 90-96 F) and the deca should freeze shortly after that (melting/freezing point around 89-95).

Anyways according to my little test it seems that the white/off white substance in the lower right hand corner of my picture is test enanthate; and infact my order did get screwed up.

Are you guys used to deca having a darker color to it than test E? (of course, i am talking about deca and test E received from the same source - for an accurate comparision)

I'm used to what you are used to, and I would probably think the same thing you do. If they did screw your order up, the good news is that at least Deca is the more expensive one. It would still suck, but could be worse.
bump for any more input

Dude! Ha, this is sooooo very simple... I just made ur day bro!
Very easy to tell the difference in the two. open the bags up and smell them bro! the Test E is going to have a very distinct piney fruity smell and the deca will not have a very strong odor at all!!!! The odor of REAL test E is loud and distinct.