igf des question


New member
I'm coming to the end of my first research with DES next week. I'm happy with the results.

Does DES need to be cycled as LR3 or can it be used without a break? I read somewhere that DES can be run permanently 3 days on 1 day off.
I've always found it to work best by taking time off. Igf DES and lr3 will increase serum igf levels. This is great but you don't want them too high for too long. Thats the good thing about igf, DES peaks then declines. Use it around training for the benefit. Lr3 last longer and will keep levels elevated. You get big burst of igf for a few weeks then take a short break then back to it.

I would take 2-4 weeks in between.
User, how about using DES both pre and postworkout, 100 mcg each time? I read that DES works best when there's lactic acid in muscles. Pinning it preworkout gives decent pumps which i don't want to give up. Does pinning an extra dose postworkout provide added anabolic benefit?
From the research I've read Des can be run permanently unlike the Lr3 version. I know researchers that have run tests for 6 months with better results over a longer term usage.
Yes you can dose it pwo as well. I usually use lr3 pwo but you can use either but wait about 1-2 hours pwo and allow mgf a chance to work. I'm actually thinking that waiting later pwo for an igf dose is best because you don't want to stop mcg's process to fast.

Osta that's great to know. I always assumed it to be the same as lr3.
I have read lots of threads about des; some say it's best to pin preworkout, some say intraworkout and some say postworkout. As far as i see, everyone will find "his best" for peptides after experiencing them.