IGF LR3 Questions..


New member
Hi guys,

I have been running GHRP6/CJC-1295 for the last 3 months getting great gains. I want to throw in some IGF1 LR3. I have been researching and heard mixed stuff so Im posting to seek answers to some questions.

I plan on dosing 80mcg but do I do this only on workout days or every day, and how many doese to split it over? Just one does PWO or split it over 2??

Also, can you just do sub-q or is IM the way to go as I’ve heard mixed reviews on this. If intramuscular, ive never done gear or anything so is there any links u guys to give me to help with IM injection sites.

Thanks guys.
You can split it over two, one in the morning and one post workout or you can do all post workout. On off days you can either not take any or just take a dose in the morning when you wake up. Most inject this peptide IM.
Hey Meathead, thanks for the reply. Can it just be mixed with BAC water or do I need AA aswell? Any idea where I'd get AA in Australia?

I order my stuff from lab PE but I dont think they sell it..

Thanks man.
Hey Meathead, thanks for the reply. Can it just be mixed with BAC water or do I need AA aswell? Any idea where I'd get AA in Australia?

I order my stuff from lab PE but I dont think they sell it..

Thanks man.

You should use AA for it. I'm not sure about getting it in Australia though.
AA meaning acetic acid?
Is there different types of AA, because i don't think Acetic Acid is hard to find? i see it on ebay.
AA even at 0.6% is BS, I fell for it too. unless you have this--> Acetic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glacial acetic acid is a trivial name for water-free (anhydrous) acetic acid. Similar to the German name Eisessig (ice-vinegar), the name comes from the ice-like crystals that form slightly below room temperature at 16.6 °C (61.9 °F) (the presence of 0.1% water lowers its melting point by 0.2 °C).[10]

A common abbreviation for acetic acid is AcOH, where Ac stands for the acetyl group CH3***8722;C(=O)***8722;. Acetate (CH3COO***8211;) is abbreviated AcO***8211;. The Ac is not to be confused with the abbreviation for the chemical element actinium. To better reflect its structure, acetic acid is often written as CH3***8211;C(O)OH, CH3***8211;C(=O)OH, CH3COOH, and CH3CO2H. In the context of acid-base reactions, the abbreviation HAc is sometimes used, where Ac instead stands for acetate. Acetate is the ion resulting from loss of H+ from acetic acid. The name acetate can also refer to a salt containing this anion, or an ester of acetic acid.

now I use bac water or sodium chlorid and it works fine, but i try to use up in 4-6 weeks once mixed for igf, my MT2 has been working for months.
I even talked to a chemist and he is the one who cleared it up for me, and when i looked into it it made sense. both work i guess though as iv used both.
Yea I've always used bac water for my igf and I use the vial within 2wks each. My mt2 lasts me forever. I still get all the sides when injecting from the same vial I've used for months.