I'm 38 years young over weight and it's been 16 years since my last cycle tips


New member
A fucking world of work related injuries so I just needed to make my self stronger , as I'm still on the tools
I'm pinning test c twice a week 250 mg for the last 5 weeks and I feel fucking great ,

It's amazing , I'm using a bit of provision 25mg a day some times 50mg a day ,
Using the strong lifts program and it's going great smashing
I weigh at he moment 118 kg but have all ways had a prop forward kind of physique ,over the last 5 weeks , I a watching my body change and grow like I was 20 again , and the misses is enjoying the proviron , I was luck enough to source most of the gear over the counter so it's all human grade stuff,
I have done 16 years a go a 10 week cycle of Deccan test and a bit of winny ,followed buy some clem ,
My question is this now I'm planning to run the test e for 16 weeks but I may introduce some suston 250
Should I .
and a vial of test e 250 ,
should I use winny
and my self up for the remaining 6 weeks then taper off with the test e cut the suston out add some primabolan but not sure how much ?
Also confused about the hcg should I be using it all trough me cycle ??
Started using tamoflexin 4 weeks in but also have some clom for a proper ptc
Did not have a ptc in place a suffered from the dreaded Decca dick for a bit so never again .
Is there any other compounds out her lat work like proviron

Just a bit confused as per who what were when and how much
Sorry to sound like a fucking nob but there you go ,

My diet is good for 6 days our if 7
I'm not trying to but the hulk or my Olympian just need to be a whole lot stronger and repair a disc located shoulder ( the 4 th time ) haha

Any input would be great as I'm thinking I will stat the whole blast and cruise thing as I'm an old is fuck who has had his kids , and it just feels like a new lease of life !! And I'm just stronger sorry to ramble buy the way
And thanks for any ones impute and time if they wish to reply
You need to get on an Aromatase Inhibitor. Things have changed in the last 16 years. I would encourage you to do more homework.

I don't see the point in add/switcing to sustanon. Just stay on Test E. Single esters make things simpler.

Are you getting blood work done to check hormone levels, etc?

Don't use Winny unless you want to kill your joints. Keep you first cycle after 16 years simple. You can get lots of growth on plain old test.

PCT should be both Clomid and Nolva together.
Thanks for getting back to
As per blood work in the uk I have no idea
Back 16 years ago I took around 3-4 weeks to get every thing in shape down below .
As per ptc yes Clomid and tamofaxin
Also planning on using anastrozole as an ai and running it with provision .
if weight is your issue compounds are not the answer.. you need to get your diet fixed..

check out my free diet advice thread in the diet section..

or if interested in becoming a client check out my website at 3jsdiet.com or contact me 3jdiet@gmail.com