I'm a porn star need help tired of viagra and cialis


New member
I'm new to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), I've never had to take steroids to be able to peform in the buissnes I'm in, I have to have a hard on every hour, for about 3 to 4 hours and when I loose my erection I have a pro chick blow me to keep it hard to be peform and make the movie, but lately I loose potency, my question is, will Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) help me gain muscle and feel like I used to?

ps: I'm 40 years old
dude porn stars have production budgets for this shit, kinda like the raiders locker room in the 70's had steroids on tables like lolipops. your time has cum bud its over.
Go see a doctor and get your test levels check. You may be a candidate for TRT. It could certainly help you. Its a tough business, the porn industry. Very hard work and not satisfying at all. :crying: