Just because someone is a rep for a company and they post in a manner that makes it SEEM like they know what they are talking about sadly does not make that the case. There is a post in this thread that exemplifies that.
Now the poster can take this as a personal attack or as an opportunity to potentially learn a few things and grow, that's up to him. I have nothing against him but the advice he gave was pretty poor IMO.
The symptoms you described as they potentially relate to blood pressure would be a result of high blood pressure. Cialis does NOT increase blood pressure (not ever in spite of what someone else posted), it decreases it.
Dropping it will do nothing OR will make things even worse, yes worse.
Now as far as HCG, there is this huge misinformation re HCG and its effects on estrogen. People go around saying oh it really increases estrogen, some even go so far as to say it is converted directly to estrogen an test.......pffft....all hogwash. Here is what HCG does, HCG mimics LH. What does this mean? Well unlike say exogenous test which when introduced to the body aromatizes to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme, HCG mimics LH, then signals the pituitary which elicits the release of many hormones. Pregnenolone, Androstenedione, Testosterone and so on. Because of this it is used by those on trt as it back-fills many hormonal pathways providing benefits such as a sense of well being and emotional stability. Now one must understand that these precursor hormones also aromatize to estrogen via thee very same aromatase enzyme that test does. Because people do not understand this they have this (mistaken) idea that HCG pushes estrogen through the roof when compared to say exogenous test. Now while it is true that if you took say 80mg of test per week and got bloods, then compared it to say taking 2500iu hcg/week (a random numerical example) and got bloods you may get identical test levels BUT your e2 levels would in fact be slightly elevated in the HCG bloods for the reason I mentioned above. Now one might come to the erroneous conclusion that I just supported the case for HCG pushing estrogen through the roof when added. Well I didn't. Because first of all the increase is not by any means dramatic and very rarely would it become clinically significant. Also the aromatization that occurs with HCG occurs via the very same aromatase enzyme that it occurs with when using just test. The very same aromatase enzyme you are managing by taking (in this case) exemestane. So you see your ai will manage the aromatase enzyme, thus limiting the aromatization of ALL hormones to estrogen so the idea of dropping HCG to reduce estrogen (when you haven't even gotten bloods and dont even know your e2 level for cripes sakes) is simply ridiculous.
You have been given excellent advice by some in this thread. Androgens play a significant role in the regulation of body temperature as well as estrogen in the regulation of blood pressure. Allow your body to achieve some homeostasis and then make any decisions on changing any doses.
I hope this has been helpful and please be cautious as to who's advice you heed, no matter how intelligent or experienced they may try to come off.
Lift Strong!